Hi all I have Lupus SLE, and numerous other thing, just wondering how often do we need the pneumonia vaccine TIA
Pneumonia vaccine : Hi all I have Lupus SLE, and... - LUPUS UK
Pneumonia vaccine

I’m wondering the same
I had mine a couple of years ago and was told that was it. No more need to vaccinate again, I am now covered for life! I think I had flu, pneumonia and Covid vaccines all at the same time.
A friend with autoimmune disease but on biological meds gets hers every 5 years. I queried whether I was eligible as I have SLE and COPD but was told no. Had mine in 2016. The receptionist read out the NICE guidelines. Best ask your consultant as they decide if necessary or not
Depends on which vaccine it was that you had I thought - a new vaccine was introduced about 2016 and things changed a bit.
And whoever told you you weren't eligible when you have SLE and COPD is probably wrong - was it the receptionist?
"You're at higher risk of getting seriously ill from pneumococcal infections if you have:
sickle cell disease, problems with your spleen or you've had your spleen removed
a long-term condition that affects your breathing such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or cystic fibrosis
a long-term condition that affects your heart such as coronary heart disease or heart failure
chronic kidney disease
a long-term condition that affects your liver such as cirrhosis
a weakened immune system due to a condition such as HIV, or a treatment such as steroid medicine or chemotherapy
a condition where fluid that protects the brain and spinal cord leaks out (cerebrospinal fluid leaks)
cochlear implants"
I would check with a DOCTOR who does have medical training, unlike the receptionist.
Interesting, thank you. She certainly didn’t read out all that list. I am going to check with my consultant anyway. Take care x
That’s interesting to know, I had mine done in the late 80s and was told it was a one off. So have never thought to question it. Think I will now as I get a lot of chest infections and waiting to see respitory consultant again.
In the 80s?? Pretty sure that in retrospect that one wasn't a one off but I might be wrong. That was the basic vaccine then, only active against a small number of streptococcii.
gives the latest recommendation in the paragraph below Table 5. All very complicated and needs careful reading!!!!
Once in a LIFETIME
NEW Guidelines:
Thanks everyone 👍😊
Hi if you are immunocompromised you will receive it every 5 years. I had mine in October 2018 but I've been advised by the vaccination team that it'll be December before I receive it due to the covid/flu programme 🌹
Also - Dr Donald THOMAS (Lupus Encyclopedia) mentioned at the LUPUS SUMMIT in August 2023.
I discussed this with my GP and even though I am in the immuno group, it is still only 'once' x
I can only say the information I got , initially from GP practice stating that I'm due another injection in October. As Gp practices here no longer give vaccinations I was given the phone number of the vaccination team. Spoke to them on Thursday and was informed that I would receive another vaccine in December due to being immunocompromised and also having lung fibrosis
Every 5 years.
No - Dr Donald Thomas (Lupus Encyclopedia) mentioned it in August at the LUPUS SUMMIT.
As far as I can tell from the NHS website, the pneumonia vaccine is a one-off
Look up Chapter 25 of the Green Book (bible for vaccination in the UK).
Pneumonia vaccine used to be every 10 years, now once in a lifetime unless in a specific immune compromised group eg asplenic.
Hope this helps 🙏
“ONCE in your LIFETIME”.
Hope this Simple Guideline helps - the info out there is CONFUSING.
But Dr Donald Thomas said “One Pneumonia Vaccine” in a LIFETIME recently at our LUPUS SUMMIT in August 2023.
So - I wanted to find “BACK-UP info” & it’s from from Medical News Today (above).
I am a nurse practitioner in primary care, as previously mentioned, you’ll find your specific answers in The Green Book chapter. Consultants are very often not up to date with vaccination advice - from both a personal and professional perspective 👍
Just the once at age 65 x
Hey, hope you’re doing ok. I have mine every 10 years. Xxx 😘
Where I am, they now recommend you get two shots of two different kinds. You get one kind when you turn 65, then one year later you get the second kind.
After that, you are good for life and don't need more.
Be sure to get them if you're over 65 because pneumonia claims the lives of a lot of the elderly. My own father died from a flu/ pneumonia.
If you are under 65 or have concerns, ask your doctor what you need. pharmacists also have advice on this.
I was originally told we only need it once by a GP - I have sle- but vaccines do change and this year 10 years from my first, the practice nurse gave me another. No unusual side effects.
I had mine years ago and was told it would be necessary for one every ten years. But since then they changed it to a one off so I’m not sure whether I need an updated version must remember to ask next time I see the consultant