If you saw my attempt at humour of my red hammer toe, you will understand when I say, I should not have made fun of my toe that was trying to tell me it was in distress. On New Year's Eve, I realized that it wasn't just a red toe, as it turned really ugly and scary looking. I called my podiatrist who is treating my broken foot and he called me back immediately and called in an antibiotic and told me to stop wearing the boot. I already had an appointment on Monday. Another x-ray was taken and the fracture is not healed yet, but I can't wear the boot or anything constrictive because of the toe. The concern quickly shifted from the fracture to the cellulitis of the toe. He extended the antibiotic for another week.
I definitely learned that I should have been more concerned when the toe got so red, but hopefully the antibiotic will help. Not how I planned to enter the new year.
Healing hugs to all.