wisdom tooth removal: Hi all so i recently suffered... - LUPUS UK


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wisdom tooth removal

avionne profile image
14 Replies

Hi all so i recently suffered a massive lupus flare, with mouth ulcers which also flare up. This time i had severe jaw pain where i was literallty crying. spoke with lupus consultant who upped my steroids as the dosage I would up it to whilst in flare was not working( first time in years i could not self manage) anyhoo he told me to get an emergency dental apptmt. got the appoitment thank god because they are only seeing emergency until sept. dentist xrayed and luckily he knew alot on lupus. He told me i have an impacted wisdom tooth which my dental records from previous years just had it as minor dental pain( we wont go there in this thread) Anyways he says i will have to have it removed. Has anyone had a wisdom tooth removed? i have read online it can cause nerve damage i dont want to risk loosing rest of my teeth.

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avionne profile image
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14 Replies
PMRpro profile image

I had an upper wisdom tooth removed last year - it was growing squint and irritating the inside of my cheek. This was a wisdom tooth I was told didn't exist from x-rays done years ago. It erupted while I was expecting my second daughter. I was terrified, my dentist here was totally blasee about it!!! He was right! Apparently upper ones are easier than lower ones. I was on pred, had been for over 10 years prior to the tooth problem and I had no problem at all, it healed perfectly.

What are they messing about at? Here in northern Italy we had dental services reduced to emergencies only for the first couple of months of our Covid epidemic before they sorted it out using protective gear/thorough cleaning between patients - but as my dentist said, they did all that anyway, The only difference here was that nothing is now left on the surfaces to risk contamination - all neat and tidy in cupboards. Been back to normal since summer last year.

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to PMRpro

😄 our local dentists shut their doors on lockdown, declining even check-ups even after restrictions were lifted (think they received full or 80% pay?) then retired when payments stopped...the new dentists are working through the backlog...'don't call us, we'll call you' I was told a couple of weeks ago..

Sorry Avionne, had to get that off my chest...I've had two wisdom teeth removed in later years with only the anticipated pain and swelling resulting...a face pack of frozen peas helped with both...wishing you well! xxx

PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply to eekt

My daughterin Scotland couldn't get appointments with her usual dentist last autumn when they did open - so contacted a new local Chinese girl who'd opened a practice, Appointment within days, excellent treatment AND NHS! Unlike the previous guy ...

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to PMRpro

I'm trying to get in the Polish NHS practice! 👍...though the two new at the other are Iraqi and Argentinian, so possibly worth the wait! 🌈xxx

PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply to eekt

Haven't the Poles gone/come home?

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to PMRpro

Ten of thousands Polish servicemen couldn't go home after the Allies gave their country to Stalin...a fair few stayed in this neck of the wood, where they'd been based...sorry again avionne 🙃 xxx

PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply to eekt

I was meaning more the newer migration going back after Brexit - isn't there a lack of plumbers, bakers and dentists (going by my experience of the jobs they were doing)?

avionne profile image
avionne in reply to eekt


avionne profile image
avionne in reply to eekt

lol ts ok hunni vent away 😅prior to this i was last seen in 2019 and although dentists opened last sept they kept telling me oh call us in nov for an apptmt, then call us in jan... then april finally to be told in sept this year. So had a mahoosive flare now have an impacted wiadom tooth. this new dentist was mortified

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to avionne

So very glad you're in good hands now avionne...and a dentist who knows about lupus is to be treasured! 👍

The German dentist who removed my second wisdom tooth put something in my hand after I lay back, there was pressure on my jaw and hey presto! He took the thing out my hand, put the tooth in it and handed me a presentation pack! No swelling at all after that one! 😊 Hope it goes well! xxx

PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply to eekt

I've had superb dentists who were trained anywhere this side of the channel - very mixed experiences with UK trained ones. So has my cousin - who is in the process of losing all her teeth because her fraud never told her she had gum disease, never mind did anything about it. Must have been bad - she won her case against him!!!! When it all changed back in the twothousands my then dentist made me a private cover offer which OK was happy to pay - £120 a year for a 6-monthly check up adn 10% off charges . I called the local CCG or whoever who sent me to a guy in the next area - who was closer than the offer in Sedgefield. He was Norwegian, worked parttime at the local dental school and was outstanding. At NHS prices! I asked why they weren't trying to push private - and he said did where the practice was look like a good source of private income!!! One of the really deprived regions in the NE - and a group with a conscience.

citygirl1234 profile image

I had an impacted wisdom tooth removed in February while on steroids and methotrexate. The pain before hand (from the impacted wisdom tooth) was horrific. I had had a wisdom tooth out before so had a suspicion it could be the same thing so went to the dentist to get it ruled out or confirmed. The dentist referred me to an oral surgeon as she said it needed a specialist. It took 3 appointments - 1 for a consultation where the specialist took a panoramic X-ray, 1 to take it out and then 1 for a follow up consultation. The first two days after he took it out were painful but he gave me plenty of painkillers and it was infinitely more pleasant than the pain I had before hand. By a week later, the pain was gone completely and it hasn’t come back. I had a follow up appointment after a week where he checked to see if I’d had any side effects and then was discharged back to my dentist.

My rheumatologist just wanted it out as soon as possible to avoid exacerbating a flare.

There are risks but your dentist or oral surgeon should walk you through those and help you weigh up the risks and benefits of having it removed.

If you can, I’d recommend not Googling wisdom tooth removal, there are some horror stories out there and I know it freaked me out when I had mine removed.

I know it’s horrible, but you can get through this x

Insomniacette profile image

I had all four removed while under local. I was worried about nerve damage and not worried about being awake through it. So when it was clear the bottom two were too entwined root wise she just left a small bit of root in. The aftermath was painful. Buy a number of ice packs so you can swap them over in the freezer.But after they were removed and healed I felt so much better!!

avionne profile image

thank you all for replying 🥰🥰

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