Hi, for months I have been having intermittent tooth ache, and ache up the left side of my face, and ear. (No ear infection) Last week it was worse, I called my dentist to be told I had been taken off their books!! Eventually I got an appointment at the emergency department at the community hospital. It was a tooth that had been root canaled 3 times. I said to the dentist to just take it out. After an x ray she said the root canal was very clean, with no sign of infection, and she would have no idea which tooth to take out. She painted some protective stuff on the tooth next to it as the nerves were exposed. I am still having terrible trouble, especially when eating hot food. I am wondering if maybe it is something to do with MCTD and not the tooth. Anyone had similar problems, or advice please. I don't know where to go for help. Most dentists have a 2 year waiting list. The community dentist is emergency only, but says the tooth is clean. Or is it a doctor I need to see?
Tooth ache, or something else? : Hi, for months I... - LUPUS UK
Tooth ache, or something else?

I have been diagnosed with UCTD, latent lupus. They are also looking into Sjogrëns as well.
I think it very well could be your MCTD. I have on and off tooth aches and have lost several teeth, mostly ones that have been crowned or bridged. (The crowns and bridges have broken off). So yes, I think it’s a good possibility.
PS, I hope you find a beneficial resolve to your problem.

I have been diagnosed with CTD probable SLE/Sjorgens overlap. I've always looked after my teeth and had regular dental appointments, but have had lots of problems over the years, which I now believe are connected with the above. But if there is no infection, I really don't know what to do next. Thankyou so much for your reply.
You’re very welcome. Yes, idk what to do about it either. It adds humiliation along with all the other problems. I have had dental care my whole life. This just isn’t acceptable to me, but I have to learn to deal with it.
Yes is my answer!
I have Sjögren’s with overlap CTD. Although the dentists haven’t always been able to see the cause of my pain by X-ray - a top notch endodentist did find grey areas in sub optimal old root canals after re-looking at new imaging with the dental hospital’s radiographer. He said sometimes the xrays don’t reveal pockets of infection which can be at base of the roots and be nudging a branch of the trigeminal nerve from behind the tooth.
I too have had root canals replaced but after 4 months the most recent one was extracted and all the severe oral pain largely subsided.
It is coming back now- but in quite a generalised way. The pain does seem to target my crowned or root canalled teeth and I think in my case this is response to cold weather, not being able to floss awkward rear crowns easily and small fibre neuropathy affecting my lips and gums.
Also I think the intermittent pain in my ear, stretching down to my neck when I swallow is parotid inflammation. Also TMJ contributes.
I think this tarries with my Sjögren’s and overlap CTD but I do also wonder if my old root canals and fillings are generating a very fierce response from my nerves and blood vessels due to systemic inflammation. I do have one more very compromised tooth that I’m told needs extracting but it doesn’t yet hurt when tapped so I’m just hoping it doesn’t kick off as an abscess as my dentists and the endodentist predict it will.
On the whole I’m very much against root canals these days. The pain response triggered by a dentist tapping the top of the tooth is generally the tell tale differential between trigeminal neuralgia and a dental problem.
My dentist said toothache & sinus pain mimic one another, he referred me for Sjögren’s testing, result was dx of TMD, myofacial pain & ‘something’ autoimmune (I’m hEDS)
Both dentist & optom have been more knowledgeable & helpful than any GP or (sadly) rheumie
Hi Pinky, I started having problems with my jaw a few months ago. The pain starts in my jaw and radiates up my face to my ear causing a searing pain, only on the left side of my face. I went to my dentist with x rays and examination showing there was no dental issue . I went to my GP who asked me to move my jaw from side to side. Oh the pain!! He diagnosed Tempromandible Joint Disorder and gave me some gentle exercises for my jaw and advised me to massage the area. It has improved slightly in terms of pain and significantly as regards frequency but I am left with a sporadic intense itching in both ears.My Chiropractor told me to jut my lower jaw out and forward in an exaggerated manner. Amazingly the itching stops dead but as soon as I move my jaw back it starts again. Something to do with the nerve I am told. I really hope that you can resolve your issue xx
I have had numerous problems with teeth and gums since I was prescribed methotrexate, root canals and removal. I am very good at teeth hygiene so it is very upsetting. I do not reading the side effects of the meds but it is my guess
I have similar problems. It seems to be more in the jaw area. It can be worse on either side from day to day. It seems to mimic the area the saliva glands are located. I feel it has something to do with inflamed saliva glands and will discuss with dr later this month
It sounds like part of your illness as I often have pain like this. The exposed nerve doesn’t sound good, it can be covered as my teeth have become very sensitive. Find a good dentist and use Duraphat 5000 available from dentist only. Warm not hot food and drink helps.
The pain isn't where the exposed nerve is. Yes, I do use Duraphat 5000. I was so shocked to hear I had been taken off my dentist 's list and have contacted so many dentists of whom none are excepting new NHS patients. So it's knowing where to go next. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so will ask his advice.
The Dentist should have written to you. Look up on Google - I put in can my dentist remove me - and got the procedures - also can get a list of those around you - good luck
Just to add to the various suggestions, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the jaw. About year of pain in various areas - jaw, ear, throat, finally after seeing a maxifacial specialist, I had an MRI & was diagnosed with the osteo...often related first to teeth or ear infection & like twitchy mentions TMJ.
The scan clarified that it was osteo & through eating soft food, heat on my face, anti inflammatory it calmed down for now. I have been referred to a facial surgeon & we will see if it becomes impossible to live with .....as there is some misalignment....
No fun, feel for you, helpful to know what the cause is....
Should mention I was asked if I had any facial trauma, which I couldn't think of any, of course later I thought of having a few teeth pulled....
Not sure if this triggered the trauma....🤔....ml
The doctor has referred me to the hospital. Has given me Lyrica to take in the mean time. Now I have to decide if I take them or not!!!