Hi, I have been diagnosed with sjogrens/lupus overlap which I self-manage & is annually monitored by my rheumatology & lung function specialists. I have just sold my home & need life insurance re the mortgage on my new home but I am struggling to find an insurance company to cover me. I have tried NLP Financial Management who advertise in Lupus UK literature but just been rejected by them too even though I work full time which surely is evidence of my ability to manage my condition. Can anyone give me advice or suggestions please 🤷♀️
Life insurance: Hi, I have been diagnosed with... - LUPUS UK
Life insurance

I had to get a Health and sickness policy rather than life one when I did it.
Hi, has the insurance company advised you specifically on why you have ben rejected? I had the same issue a few years ago, I also work full time and have overlap Lupus/Sjorgrens. I was advised that I'd been rejected as my GP who completed the forms said I'd also been diagnosed with Cerebellar Ataxia. I'd reported some symptoms to my Lupus doc with similar symptoms but was tested and negative,the symptoms disappeared on their own. The GP hadn't read the notes properly! I had to get confirmation from my Lupus doctor I didn't have CA and I then got life insurance. So worth finding out exactly what the docs has out in their report to the life insurance company!
Good luck and stay well xx
I was refused life insurance years ago at the beginning of my journey when they were saying it was just fibromyalgia. Obviously it's more than that and that was the reason I was refused. The insurance company said it usually turns out to be something more serious. Funny how the insurance company knew that but the Drs didn't!
Oh that sounds grim. Hopefully you now have your condition under control - as best you can. Thank you for your input 👍