Hi all, so I was wondering if Lupus effects moods and emotions. I often feel down and a little depressed. I understand that it can lead to depression but I dont feel at the moment my moods quite come under that category....yet.
Moods/Emotions: Hi all, so I was wondering if Lupus... - LUPUS UK

I think so. With me it’s the continues arthritis pain, the dry mouth and the struggle to keep up with the home, job and family stuff. I get frustrated and down. Its not depression but I get down and have to keep getting myself out of the funk.
I think so too.I also suffer with mood swings but half the battle is recognising them. Lupus is a horrible illness that changes your life. Try to stay positive tho and find the little things you can do that make you happy.
Hugs xx
I think it is a sort of hormonal depression. I had it last year. I had a few things that got me down and normally I would have coped but I couldn't pull myself up again. I read somewhere about lupus and fibromyalgia affecting some hormones and that led to insomnia and feeling low. My GP gave me some antidepressants which work by boosting those hormones [ or something similar] and I feel more normal and able to cope with everyday problems now.
Yes yes and yes again.its not depression it’s because we are ill.x
I have read that lupus can cause a change in mental health - although I haven’t been diagnosed, in being investigated for lupus and rheumatism and I can honestly say I’m like a new person sometimes, it’s awful.
Hi Redredblue, I have been diagnosed with severe lupus and am a counsellor and psychotherapist specialising in chronic illness and pain. Lupus does indeed impact your emotional and mental health. I have just published a book which looks at this in detail including the effects of lupus medications and hormones nod announced its launch on this site a few days ago. It also has quotes about their feelings contributed by members of this site. It is called "How to Stay Sane in Pain - Clarity, Resilience and Calm with Lupus" by Karen Drennan-McEwan. I can go through some points here but the book does it far more comprehensively. It costs £3.99 for the e-book on Amazon, or if you have to have paper the soft-back is £11.95. Amazon has the look-inside option so you can also look at the contents page and the introduction before you buy. I know there is self- promotion here but my book really is bang on your query. With my very best regards, Lily
I totally agree Lily..I have read your book n I would like to take the opportunity to thank u for writing it..informative, easy to read, with loads of tips on how to live with this debilitating disease by someone who is experiencing it first hand..there are so many 'eureka' moments in there!!
I would strongly advise people to get a copy..it's my only book on lupus n it's definitely already my self help manual!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Krazykat, I am so very grateful for your mail and letting me know that you have found my new book informative and helpful. It validates my efforts! My publishers have told me that having reviews on Amazon will help to raise the profile and encourage others to read it, especially if you purchased it through them. So if you have time, perhaps this is something you could do? Once again, I am just chuffed that it has been useful for you coping with this complex and difficult condition, with my very best regards, Lily.
I bought it on Amazon.. I'll have to get some expert advise probably from one of my grandsons on how to post a review..I'm not that cyber savvy at the mo but I'm getting better at it!!
However I'm putting 'write the butcher's wife a note' on my micro list..I have never met the lady but my hubby gets our meat from a local butcher's n he saw the lupusuk badge on hubby's jacket n told him that his wife has lupus. Consequently whenever my hubby sees her hubby they have a chat about their ladies..I'm gonna write her a note n let her know about your book because everyone will get info, clarity, tools to cope, tools to educate people, empowerment, comfort...oh my I could go on n on!!
Keeping sane in pain will definitely be a much leafed through n re read piece of literature in my life!!
Thank u so much for doing this for us all..u WONDERFUL LADY!! 💐💖XX
Absolutely, on another note, some of the medication side effects for Lupus can also cause it!
Hi redredblue
Yes unfortunately..I have gone from being a professional independent woman to a depressed quivering wreck at times.. anxiety attacks..suicidal thoughts..losing all hope..becoming withdrawn..not communicating..I could go on!!
I have always been a positive thinker n I was totally into alternative n complementary therapies but when I got rock bottom I completely lost faith n was out in the wilderness for a long time..but now my lupus is a bit more under control I'm finding a new me..I'm still in there but on the outside things have changed drastically for me n I've had to adjust my lifestyle accordingly.
I would strongly recommend Lily's book because it's so informative..n the link between chronic pain n pathological changes in the brain is proven to happen to us..therefore affecting moods n emotions. However she addresses these issues with many self help techniques..it really is the dogs danglies!! U are not alone xx