Hi all, been out of action for a few weeks with flare-up of SLE. Hands have been very bad this time & couldn't type so was unable to have a good moan to you lovely folk. Am still pretty bad but at least can share with you now. Got to be honest, been feeling fairly fed up - VERY Eeyorish ! Was supposed to be going to Lincoln with my Sis to stay with friends for long weekend but am struggling to even get dressed & needing help to shower so it was a no go for me.
GP has increased my Prednisolone & got Oramorph for breakthrough pain (helps but also adds to the "brain-fog" !) Hopefully it will ease up in time for Christmas.
Have got some good news though - I got my driving licence back ! Had to relinquish it because of fits caused by the Lupus but not had one for about 7years. Before flare started my wonderful big Sister put me on her insurance, it's been great to have that freedom again. She even let me borrow it for a week when she was away - she's the best Sis ever !! (She's also my best friend - I know how blessed I am to have her)
Am thinking of getting a Motability car as I get the high rate of the mobility component of DLA. Just wondered if any of you guys have any experience of this ? Are they worth the money as I know it's a big commitment ? I spend a lot of money on taxis & don't like to have to rely on friends/family for lifts. Also think I wouldn't feel so trapped as I do at times. I've been driving since I was 17 & been fortunate to always have a car in the past. I'm sure it would help my mental/emotional health just knowing that when I'm ok I could jump (!) in & go visit folk or just go for a ride to the country/coast (N.Yorks moors & coast are on my doorstep) I need to weigh up the pros & cons so would be very grateful if anyone can share their experience please.
Have really missed being in touch with you lovely folk over the past few weeks & so glad to be back in this community. You all help so much, I know I'm not alone with this any more - thank you ! Just writing this has eased some of the "poor little old me's" (PLOMS !) Am no where near to being "Tiggerish" but don't feel quite so "Eeyorish" ! Keep well folks