Hi All,
I’m finding it hard to post this as Im usually the kind of person that just gets on with it, taking the rough with the smooth. I have lupus and fibromyalgia. The last three months has been awful as I know it will be the same for a lot of people and for the most part I’ve just been getting on with it. I moved back down south just as lockdown happened. I registered with a gp and was advised by the surgery to contact my rheumatologist to refer me to rheumatologist here, which I did. Didn’t hear anything so asked gp to refer me, which she said she would and didn’t. I have had a bad flare up and had to get doctor out, blood test showing markers up. I have been in bed for the most part of 2 weeks and my face was swollen, painful and very itchy, chronic fatigue, painful joints. The flare up is subsiding, but still grumbling. I have now been referred, but don’t know how long I’ll wait with the way things are at the moment. I am currently going through a pip claim as I had to give up work in jan. I only worked one day and even found that difficult, so I have no income. I have found it stressful as I feel I have to convince them of how unwell I am. I feel very low and feel like I have been left to get on with it. I don’t like to moan, but I feel very isolated at the moment.