Bad outcome after face to face assessment, doesn't help that I haven't been diagnosed yet. Been off work 12months employers been great up to now. Even arranged for counselling so I can try to come to terms with the different person I have morphed into!! Don't get paid now but I'm still employed.
When they rang me to say I have been turned down for sea they said I can claim jobseekers. I asked how when I am still employed. Silence at other end of phone. Oh well you can appeal. I have now received 26 pages of info to wade through. May have to see a solicitor. Now having big flare up mouth full of ulcers, seen emergency gp who said looks like Sjorgrens. WOW am I getting somewhere? Pain intense, along with heartburn back on omeprazole but have to take gaviscon, or anything else I can lay my hands on. Just tried the igloo stuff...and nearly stuck my lips together! It's lasted about 4 hours. Going mad with painful eyelids and itchy. I'd frighten a police horse right now lol I'll end on a high note, just thought I would check for cancellations with rheum ,it's amazing what pain will make you do, and was over the moon when I was offered one for next Thursday. Someone must be watching over me at last. Another sleepless night. Thanks for listening,all advice gratefully received xx