Is when, during the usual insomnia that accompanies lupus, you end up watching a documentary on what happened before the 'big bang''........
Yes, it actually meant engaging ones brain cell.. lol
However, after about 30 mins of listening to all this enormous brain power talk about string therory, chaos therory, mutilple universe theroy (I could go on!) I found myself wondering....
How many of the worlds problems/diseases etc could these people solve, if they all got together and tackled the big, daily problems we all face....
They could even be part of a team that cures Lupus.......
I am all for expanding our knowledge, but I was left with the question........why the world needs all that money spent on a lot of 'what ifs' rather than 'what can'
I turned over and listened to classsic fm instead.......😕
Nievity is a blessing sometimes.
Universal hugs and love to all.
Mandy. X