Does anybody else suffer often with thrush? If so how can I keep it from returning? Went and got another caneston tablet. I suffer every few months with this.
Thrush: Does anybody else suffer often with thrush... - LUPUS UK

You may need to go go GP and do an oral anti candida treatment if they think you will be ok with the drug, and also invest in buying a high strength daily probiotic which will put your gut flora back in balance. MaryF
Thanks, I will look for the yogurt.
You need something stronger than the yoghurt, you need a strong daily supplement, either from health food store or from chemist, taken with water and do keep them in the fridge, I take these daily as do my children, if you have ever had antibiotics, they deplete your natural gut flora, this puts it back. It also means you fend of sick bugs more easily. MaryF
Mary is correct that yogurt may not be enough. That is certainly true if it is any sort of a flavoured yogurt as they contain loads of sugar which candida loves.
Drinking hot lemon without sugar may also help as candida is acidic by nature and lemon juice is alkaline when you drink it.
Reduce/cut out sugar or sugar containing products.
It is often said by many that cancer cannot thrive if candida is in check.
Take high strength vit c as well
Hi Adrienne
Are you on steroids?. They can cause Thrush so adjusting their dose can help. You may need to see your GP for stronger Thrush treatments but you've had good self- help tips from Mary F and Hearingloss. Hope it gets better.X
Hi, I had the same problem for many years. I took all the supplements, for two years I stopped all sugar and yeast in my diet, no change. I was desperate for a solution. Interestingly swabs taken showed only small amounts of thrush and sometimes none! So I went to the GU clinic who have specialised dermatology consultants who were amazing, immediately seeing the problem was due to a type of eczema caused by my poor mucus production. This then allowed thrush to colonise easily. Treating me with a steroid cream, and emollient cream and washes, things have massively improved. If I do get a flare I use the steroid cream sparingly and only occasionally have to take the oral treatment . I use the emollient daily for washing. I was getting 4 oral tablets on each prescription and often needing 2 scripts a month. A friend who is an Endocrinologist told me how bad they are for you to take frequently and suggested the GU route. Unfortunately my Gp never listened to me, and it took 15 years to get to see my Rheumy. I have a diagnosis of UDCT, and Ehlers Danlos. I have had so many different problems over the years but this was the one that really got me down and nearly cracked me, don't let it get you. Take control! You should be able to just turn up at your local clinic to be seen, by a nurse and go from there. Good luck.
I suffered from thrush every other month used everything including pressy and creams nothing worked untill I Tryed nature yourgut after that day Iv not had thrush xxx
Thrush is so horrible. The cause is usually Candida from too much sugar in the diet. Also Antibiotics ruin all the natural bateria in the body. So my advice would be to read Eric Bakker's ebook and get some good probiotics such as biocare, Udo's choice or viridian
( keep in the fridge). You will find them in independent health food shops.
If the itching is very bad you can get a box of Tea Tree Oil Pesseries for House of Mistry you will find it on line and although they very cheap they really work (keep them in the fridge)
Taking a probiotic every morning has helped me. I have eaten so much yougart, the hubs is about ready to buy stock in the company! Nystatin liquid really helps as do Diflucan. But it returns, Probiotics are the way to go
I suffer with thrush...Under boobs and in creases also in mouth.I have had the creases one for yonks and used cream but now it has come with a vengance and the itching is driving me mad. I had a bad sore a few weeks ago and the nurse practioner gave me this cream which got rid of it but a week later it came back with the vengance. This is really geting me down Please anyone ideas? Hope you all have a nice xmas xx
Recurrent thrush needs a nurse practitioner or Gp appointment.
It may be as simple as not clearing the thrush fully. Sometimes you need a longer course as the spores are still there and it all starts again. Or you may need an alternative drug prescribed. Bloods and swabs of the area may need to be taken in prolonged thrush.
Best to make an appointment xxxx
I have suffered terribly for two years and I have found a good probiotic every day and double the dose when thrush is active. However main thing I found with helping was bathing in Epsom salts with geranium oil in.
Hope you get some relief soon xx