Hi. I try to be brief.
I was diagnosed with itp on March 2018. Had a terrible 7 month of steroids and 5 rounds of rituximab with a stomach bleeding.
Switched to Nplate and did fine for a year on one vial that I could inject every 10 days instead of 7 days but after a trip to turkey without any disease and a count of 120k two weeks prior, had a stomach bleeding again which now switched to the second vial. Now I'm taking around 6 mcg/kg and self-injecting but counts fluctuate. Ever since I switched to the second vial, I felt it constantly requires a greater dose after months/years so I'm frustrated it cannot be done indefinetely.
I live in Iran and looking to apply to the US for Ph.D. and thanks to God, I got a good resume. So as you might know we have some problems in Iran. Anyway, the situation is stressful because in another country there are no relatives and life is gonna be hard.
What should I do? To be honest, itp start after some stressful interval of my life and in the past year I have had stress because of immigration and also requiring greater dose of nplate slightly over many months and counts being around 30-50k sometimes. Is there any way I can get rid of this peacefully?
I have read many stories on PDSA and here people quitting meds after doing some effort, mostly regieme change, but personally my regieme is not unhealthy and the #1 suspect is the stress. Has anybody on the earth successfully managed their itp by fixing their mental state? How?
Oh, regarding splenectomy, I'm afraid like a mad dog. You don't know how much I hate operations and doing this gamble.
In the past couple of months after getting a count of 30k two months in a row, the stress was really high and I check my mouth frequently ever since. It is not good I don't know what can I do.
All I want is counts greater than 20k and I don't think it's hard to do!