Dear sir
My name is Shilpi and I am from India. I have a son whose age is 6.6 years. Recently on 13th June I observed redish and blackish spots over his hands and legs. I took child specialist on 17th June to show these spots and he asked us for cbp done. In cbp report we found that his platelet were reduced to 13000. Doctors said that he has itp and ask us to admit him immediately because any time internal bleeding can happen. I admitted him to the hospital next day I. e. 18th June cbp was done again and this time his platelet count was 15000. He was given ivig treatment with 5g with five bottles dose. On 20 th June again cbp was done and this time his platelets raised to 1.61 lakes. On 21st June again cbp was done and platelets were 2.17 lakes.. He was discharged from the hospital from that day. Doctor have ask us to cbp done every week. I am very scared as some people nd website says itp is curable and some say it is not. Please advice me what should I do. Whom to consult and what treatment to give him. He is healthy like normal children. All tests are normal. Please advise