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My wife suffering from ITP with pregnancy

Nasar profile image
63 Replies

My wife is suffering from ITP, we not know whether she is having this disease before conceiving,

She delivered a baby boy 3 years ago with normal delivery without having any platelet destruction. She is completely normal for her first delivery.

Now She is conceived for the second time, after passing of 11th Week nose bleeding started. We checked with Doctors and they checked and said that she is having a low platelet count of 7,000. So Platelet transfusion was given to stop bleeding risk. After two days she again facing brusing on skin and bleeding again started, we rushed to the hospital and found that her platelet dropped to 1000. Again admitted and IVIG given along with other cortisteroid, After a hurdle of past one and half month, now she is having a platelet count of 60,000. Doctors given EDD date on 1st week of sept. Kindly pray for us to have a healthy baby

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Nasar profile image
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63 Replies
scaryteacher profile image

Pregnancy triggered my ITP. Mine didn't go away after I had my son, and my counts are between 29-80k. I've had ITP for coming up 18 years now, and only had meds when I've had to have oral surgery to remove wisdom teeth, and twice when my platelets dipped. I've also held down two fairly taxing jobs during that time.

My lad was born with a low platelet count of 15k, and was in SCBU for about a week as he was prem as well. However, his platelets didn't take long to bounce back, and he hasn't had any platelet problems since.

Katyq profile image

I delivered 2 healthy babies with itp - I would recommend homeopathy- it helped me so much in my second pregnancy-I had double the count at delivery with my second that I did with my first which I attribute to the homeopath I saw. Neither of my children had a low coin when born. I wish you enormous luck!

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply toKatyq

its good to hear homeopathy helped you a lot, Suggest us where we can buy the homeopathy medicine

JWMN profile image
JWMN in reply toNasar

Try tap water it is just as effective

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply toJWMN

not understand. could you pls elaborate.

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply toKatyq

its good to hear homeopathy helped you a lot, Suggest us where we can buy the homeopathy medicine.

palash199 profile image
palash199 in reply toKatyq

Katyq which country you lived?

Avantidave1988 profile image
Avantidave1988 in reply toKatyq

hi..I mean also trying homopathy. .does it really work..How much time I can expect to recover fully from homopathy

Nasar profile image

Thanks Scary, Pls confirm whether you have on any medication ? how you manage for the past two decade?

scaryteacher profile image

I have had steroids three times in 18 years, once to have wisdom teeth out under a g.a (1996); then once when I had a virus and my platelets dropped (2005) and last year when they were low again. I had steroids for a week each time. Apart from that I have paracetamol when I have a headache or period pain, and that's about it.

I manage by being aware of when my count drops. I feel more tired, and the blood staining on my leg darkens, and I also get the very small red pin prick rash. I have learned to pace myself and not to beat myself up if I cook beans on toast for dinner as opposed to a normal meal.

I have had the pneumonia jab and make sure I have a flu jab each year.

palash199 profile image
palash199 in reply toscaryteacher

Scary what is the flu jab.

scaryteacher profile image
scaryteacher in reply topalash199

An annual vaccination against influenza.

Lunarhine profile image

I knew I had ITP before I got pregnant. Started getting scared by statistics I read; then realised the people in serious danger are the women who don't know they have it and so don't get blood tests/ whatever else they need.

Praying for you and your boy.

PS Had a healthy girl - quite a bit of blood loss, but not enough for a transfusion or any other treatment. Platelet count higher since pregnancy than ever before!

Nasar profile image

Thanks Scary, She was done blood test on day before yesterday and her platelet count shows 75K, Last week it shows 60K, Doctors advised to take Dexa every alternate day, and then twice a week.

It seems that her platelet count somehow gradually increasing. Now she is almost reaching to 7 month pregnancy. is it platelet again fall in 8 or 9 month.?

Nasar profile image

Thanks Lunarhine, Its good to hear that your platelet count is higher since pregnancy, how was your baby's platelet count, i heared it can affect the new born child.

scaryteacher profile image

My ITP was picked up about 6 months pregnant, when my count dropped to about 70. No medication prescribed, and had a normal delivery. Count has never bounced back, except when I have antibiotics, then it gets to 100+ for some reason.

PKScott profile image

A year and half ago I gave birth to our daughter with a count of 99K. I have chronic ITP. I was diagnosised about 10 years ago. My normal counts are in the 30K range, I had 11 infusions of IVIG during my 39th and 40th week of pregnancy. I was induced my 41st week. our daughter was born health and without complication via c-section. I am apart of this group and also a part of a womens chat group on Facebook called ITP in Pregnancy. If your wife would like to join, we'd love to have her. All the women have ITP and are either pregnant or have gone through A or multiple preganacies with ITP. I have attached the link

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply toPKScott

Hi Scott, ITP with multiple pregnancies is dangerous for the mother. How doctor treat this ...

PKScott profile image
PKScott in reply toNasar

Doctors can treat this in various ways. It really depends on how your wife's body responds to treatment. Prednisones has been the first line of defense and treatment for ITP for many years and studies have shown that it is safe for pregnancy. IVIG has also shown to be a safe Prednisones has been the first line of defense and treatment for ITP for many years and studies have shown that it is safe for pregnancy. IVIG has also shown to be a safe treatment during pregnancy for ITP. Doctors typically do not treat ITP during pregnancy however unless the mother has a history of bleeding or counts in the 20k range. There is a great deal of positive documentation through the years of women with ITP having healthy natural births with counts in the 20's. ITP in pregnancy is typically case by case. Please remember you and your wife must do your best to be knowledgable about your situation and what options are available to you and you will make the best decision for your family :)

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply toPKScott

My wife delivered a baby boy with almost zero platelet on nearly two years back with CS, Doctor advised not to conceive again due to her low platelet can cause major risks. but we wants a baby few yrs after, How we plan the same.

Avantidave1988 profile image
Avantidave1988 in reply toPKScott

Is ivig very expensive

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply toAvantidave1988


Nasar profile image

Thank you Scott for your warm reply, As my wife is not internet savvy but surely i will ask her to join.

You are the people who can help to cope up in this situation. I regularly update her of the events posted here, so that she can live positively. Lots of love to your baby,

Nasar profile image

Dear PKScott, till now nearly within 3 month (14 to 28 week) she had 10 IVIG infusion and high doses of steroid, After IVIG infusion and with steroid, she have atleast 30K range and even that is lasting for at least a week and then it dropping again severely to almost 0 platelet count.Doctor advised due to she is having severe ITP, it required to go for Ceasarean with spleen should be removed. But we are refusing to go for Splenectomy. did'nt understand which is the best option for her.

Nasar profile image

My wife delivered a baby boy on 35th week of pregnanacy with Ceasarean section with 3K platelet count, 6 packets of platelets given during CS, post the count shows 10K and then goes up to 52K without steroids within a week, then suddenly dropped to 6K, again lower dose steroids started, now the platelet near on 100K.

Baby diagnosed 54K platelet count when born, then goes upto 76K with in week time, Now both are fine and discharged on 12th day. But both on observation, lets see ITP will remain or go away.

battuss profile image
battuss in reply toNasar

Hi Nasar,

I hope everything is fine now with your new born and wife. My wife has been detected with ITP over a year now. She was on cortisone until now, and things were looking fine. She even was not on any medication for past 3 months. However, a week back her count drastically reduced to 7k. and now even cortisone is not working for her.

She has been induced with IVIG yesterday, and now we are watiing for results. We are just Hoping everything will be fine.

Can you please share your mobile number with me, so we can talk.



Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tobattuss

Hi Shyam, Hope your wife will be cured soon, Can you pls share your mail id so that i can share my no. Good luck and take care.

battuss profile image
battuss in reply toNasar

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tobattuss

mail sent on above id.

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply toNasar

can i have ur email id i need ur help. hope u r from india with a positive thought.

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply tonishassa

my email id is

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tonishassa

hey, how are your platelet right now.. are you on any medication. tk care.

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply toNasar

I had a miscarriage. 2 months and afterwards no platelets was 81000 on pregnancy and suddenly dropped to 11000 and hence admitted here for 7 days and they tried if immunoglobulin 2 doses no effect. But the best part is that naturally aborted without DNC.but afterwards my platelets never raised now I am on treatment for itp. Last month I had nplate and rituxin still my plts is on 2000. Now they r stopping ptedinsolone and started new drug elthrombag 50mg from Thursday.they suggested splenectomy and I did not allow. Thanks for considering me. Pls do pray for me.howz ur wife now.these treatments r really costly and since here medical insurance is there its OK.

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tonishassa

it is sad to hear that you had a miscarriage, i feel that it may have some other causes than itp, as you know that since itp patient conceive and deliver. as my wife deliver nearly 0 platelet, initially my wife's platelet is also not responded after ivig infusion of 2 to 3 doses. then ivig continued for 5 doses/5days nearly 75 grm. then it will increased from 1k to 2K, along with other steroid it reached to 4k to 10k after some days. 2 to 3 months of pregnancy Dr only used IVIG and predni. random platelet transfusion also used. after completion of 4 months pregnancy, heavy doses of Dexa/Predni along with ivig used till delivery.

While delivery Doctor advised for 6 packet of platelet transfusion at Cesarean section without ivig.

Now her platelet is nearly 4000, HB 6.1, heavy bleeding happens sometimes also on periods, Doctor prescribed predni 40 mg, azathioprine 50 mg, Orofer xt and tranexa 500, after 10 days of above doses cbc done on yesterday, now platelet reached to 86K, HB 10.2, Doses are reduced now, and hematologist advised for rituximab 500grms course, if she again bleeds. May God ease your burden, Hope this will helps.

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply toNasar

No it is not related to is some chromosomal issues.happens in most of ladies.did u know about rituxin and nplate .some r telling that we cannot plan baby for 1, haemotologist did not infirm me about this. My platelet is not coming up.thats the main problem.but there is no bruises or bleeding.I am thinking of dropping the treatment here.

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tonishassa

I also hear the same, but you have to confirm the same with doctor right away if you are planning the same. Don't drop the treatment, I doubt, whether you had complete cycle of rituximab treatment, because it take a month to complete the treatment, and some days are required for observation. Also some itp patient may respond slowly and gradually it will increase, Consult your hematologist and experienced gynecologist to handle this case.

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply toNasar

Rituxin 4 doses increase.they told since no effect till now they started elthrombAgg

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tonishassa

the medicines works differently for each itp patient, since there is no ruler is defined to treat itp, doctor's try to test all medicines if treatment failed. But i personally feel that, you require a expert gynec to answer why the miscarriage happens, rest platelet will be taken care by hematologist. advising you to find a hospital where gynec and hematologist work closely to handle this case.

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply toNasar

There is no specific reason for that.may be husbands count time they will be more heomo and gynecology had to plan.tHey r telling they need to make my platelet level safe.there was no growth after 2 months.they were afraid of doing DNC and on the 3 rd day of admission it gone naturally wit out any bleeding.then they were telling itp' s can live even wit 1000 platelets.during pregnancy my platelets was 81000 for which they cannot find any reason.I was safe with that counts.i did not have this much platelets without any only Allah

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply tonishassa

Can help me in this case. Gynec is telling to have the platelets up and then come. Can u check with ur heamoheamo regarding rituxin and nplate. Those pregnancy planning is not written on the leaflet of these medicines.

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply tonishassa

Here the haemo is a new one and I don't think she can help me out.

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tonishassa

surely, Our next appointment is scheduled after two weeks. i will ask and respond to you accordingly, Meanwhile could you pls check whether you have PCOD or any other problems, Better to have a second opinion with other gynec. In this case, counselling is required for husband and wife.

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply toNasar

No pcod that is why by first attempt I got pregnant my hubby has count and motility problems. He is taking medicine for that.also I had thyroid during pregnancy .now normal.thanks for your concern.I also had heavy bleeding during mensturation.but was controlled by ayurvedic medicines.did u consult any ayurvedic Dr for ur wife.I have a friend in India who had great change with Ayurveda

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tonishassa

By using tranexa is somewhat controlled during periods. She is not completely depended on medicine. She learned how to live with itp, for the past two months due to severe bleeding, she is taking steroids as doctor suggested now. one and half year after delivery she lived without medication. She uses flax seed regularly.

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply toNasar

That's good. Before miscarriage my platelet used to raise with flax seed and sprouted Bengal gram and after this its not coming up even though I am having all these

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply tonishassa

By taking steroids my face turned moon face .she doesn't have that side effect.even though I stopped taking steroids, body wt did not raise my face is still moon facr

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tonishassa

She also having the same due to steroids, will go away gradually after stopping the steroids.

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tonishassa

one mail sent to your id. pls check

nishassa profile image
nishassa in reply toNasar


palash199 profile image
palash199 in reply tonishassa

I live in Kolkata. My sister surface itp in pregnancy. My email plez send your mobile no.

palash199 profile image
palash199 in reply tonishassa

I am lived in Kolkata,India. My email id is madam plz send your ph no. Which city are you lived in India.

palash199 profile image
palash199 in reply tonishassa

Plz my email is plz send your mobile no.nishassa

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply topalash199

hi palash, Pls post your query on this community portal to get a guidance from everyone.

palash199 profile image
palash199 in reply toNasar

Hi nasar you live in Mumbai. Plze send your mobile no my email id. I talk to you.

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply topalash199

hi palash, Pls post your query on this community portal to get a guidance from everyone. There are more experienced people than me will suggest how to overcome or live with itp. Kindly post on the portal.

Platelet4000 profile image
Platelet4000 in reply toNasar

while on steriods did she gain wt?

palash199 profile image
palash199 in reply tonishassa

Plz my email id is I lived in India.

Platelet4000 profile image
Platelet4000 in reply toNasar

itp patients can deliver a healthy baby?

hassell83 profile image

Rituxin didn`t help my ITP, just arthritis in my knees and fingers. I only had 2 doses. Elthrombagg is the only thing I use 3 pills every night. My count is up and down, doesn`t stay the same, but helps.

Nasar profile image
Nasar in reply tohassell83

are you face any side effects by using eltrombopag, by how long you taken this pills. Glad to know that it helps your itp.

hassell83 profile image


Platelet4000 profile image

is she undergoing ny treatmnt now?

khair profile image
khair in reply toPlatelet4000

Yes she got brain haemorrhage 4 months back due to which stroke happened which affects her memory, Now she is under neuro medicines.

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