I have gained a lot of helpful advice from friends on this site and I thank you all. You have helped me through a few very difficult weeks (horrendous headache for 26 days)
I am preparing for a visit to my rheumatologist on Friday and would be very grateful for any information that you feel would be helpful. I have cut and paste a lot of information from Professor Hughes blogs. I have plotted graphs of my I N R and I have listed my symptoms on a body outline.
My target INR is three. Which I do not think is anywhere near high enough. It is very on stable even though I am taking 20 mg of warfarin daily I struggle to hit three.
What I am looking for now is clarification on blood tests and levels. I have heard a lot about vitamin d and have understood now that Professor Hughes likes it to be about 100. Many people on here talk about vitamin b12 could you please shed any light on levels . And please can you let me know of any other relevant blood tests that would help me as my I N R is very unstable and I am feeling extremely ill.
Thank you once again for all your help 💋