I have been struggling with mental health since about early high school and I am now in my early twenties. I didn't quite grasp the idea of bringing my awareness to things I need to work on due to childhood trauma and being assaulted until about a few years back. I went to therapy, I focused on self care and gratitude but I never quite grasped how extreme my mental health can get when I am struggling and it wasn't until this year when I was called out by my partner that I need more help. My mental health is seeming to affect not only myself but other people since I am always having crying spells, panic attacks and severe isolation. My therapist suggested that my nervous system seems to be dysregulated. I appreciate feedback on things I can work through mentally to be a better partner, daughter and person overall but lately it seems like there's too many things to pick through and I am extremely overwhelmed and don't know where to start. I have done DBT and EMDR based therapies and still I find myself struggling with the amount of work I need to put in that I get overwhelmed and just shut down. I am curious to if anyone reading this is also or has also experienced this and what has helped you work through things.
Thank you ❤️