so often nurses have to grieve in silence - Heal My PTSD

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so often nurses have to grieve in silence

19 Replies

19 Replies
Dolphin14 profile image

I know all about that first hand. Sometimes the medical field feels like factory work. Task oriented. Tasks = money. Things have changed so much.


in reply to Dolphin14

they are so hard on nurses...when u say anyting....they deny it or eat u alive but its ll true.....see a nurse cry the fire wrong

in reply to Dolphin14

all true....

Dolphin14 profile image

Things seem to be headed in the direction of helping the healers. The system has a long way to go. Debriefing after a bad shift is not enough. More is needed to help us.


in reply to Dolphin14

People get mad but sorry nurses have a totally demanding brutal job. I have studied it for thirty years (and we are the nursing staff in the referal hospitals in vet med) - the MARS alone is horrendous, the responsibilties off the chart as anyting can go south esp with high risk patients....the nurses are caught between records up the wazzu to patient care which they have sneak in and get punished for either way...not wathcing enough or too much ..she /he has to be the first responder and has to live with anthing that goes wrong and is always at fault according to everhting and deal with mutlimple doctors and anan dand rarely do they ever have a moment to eat or use the rest room ....and if they say anthing they get into trouble ......i campaigned for years but get chedwed up as they are not used to support and certain we want somehting -(understandably but no) ....they need reps in their corner and place or people that know pma doesnt work in clincis murphy law rules....they need experienced clincial people not yuppie puppie psycho garbage that make it worse.........huge responsiblities largely unrecongized.........

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the national nursing memorial was established in a tall grove of cedars in 2016 just fyi -by us..your patients

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderator in reply to

Thank you for that information Brig. It's great for nurses to be recognized.

in reply to Dolphin14

ur right.....its AWESOME- the dedication of unsung nurses.....(i i was an ortho patient....long story) ...would not have endured with out my nurse (not personal she was an old pro....but thank god i had her and not some doctor) .

u never get mad

i dont want anyting ...but the real backbone of the hosp....the peopel who break their protet and care for theri patients get recognized....

thats only


that only right

nurses are the guardians.....because of them

they run....

they run for the morphine !!!!!!!!!!!

no one else hears or understands...

wait til theri loved ones wrap their car around a tree...

those stupid doctors will be screaming !!!!! for nurses

(doctors and admin)

just wait til theri grandmother is in the hosp- and the nurses take the time to hold her hand and andn andnand dnandndnand ...all on their own hearts.....

in reply to

u never get mad dolphin

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderator in reply to

All true. Eating and bathroom breaks.... what are those??? I worked a 14 hour snow storm shift, not even a cup of coffee was offered in the am when I couldn't see straight. I stood up for my patients and my license and said I can no longer give meds. I'm too drained I'm not making a med error. I worked my butt off while a coworker called and said she didn't have a shovel, couldn't come to work, another said my boyfriend won't let me drive in this 🙄


in reply to Dolphin14

yep...know thats right and how right u were to protect ur patients....(Standing in ur honor for the courage to do that..pllllleeeeeeeeeese do not hear this as patornizing its not...people like u who have the courage get labeled as rebels wrongly adding to the wrong ...walk alone in their aloneness because no one has the stuff to stand up fror them and havent a clue what u all go through....ur the only one who doesnt get mad for me standing up for u....)

in reply to

dolphin- u know how deeply i respect u and what u do- u know i dont want anyting but reverse justice...its horrible what u all go through......essentially alone alone alone

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nurses need listeners who listen shut up and believe them.......

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderator in reply to

No, you tell the truth. There is no reason to get upset at you.

in reply to

during my first internship we logged 160 hour weeks ....ave wt loss 20 pounds in three weeks on equine rotation,....pateint recovery rate 30 percent.............we have an insight to part of what nurses do..........i couldnt pay me to be a real way......

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14Moderator in reply to

You had a stressful time as well. Horrendous hours.

in reply to

i have a sign that is so nursing--

nap time was so 56 centuries ago

we want to support nursing but being a guy.....scares everyone so not a good idea....its horrendous what our nurses and others go througth because there are so few good listeners....the nurses have to heal themselves to boot

i used the vietnam nurses as inspiration and studied them. Most even in mental health have no idea who they are or what they went through and what they went through when they came home.....we went through the same thing.....came home from our vietnams and got hammered by the inept mhs....taken me 30 years to recover from the hosp idiot doctors and program......No one support nurses that has a clue to what they go througth- im totaly sympathtetid. if nurse break down and cry they get chastised for s outragous......

nurses are exposed to so much - and exhaustion and horrendous hours and complex demanding duties and and and ...horrendous job

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