i get upset when people are hurt that are already hurt or anxious.......i have my own baggage of thousands of hours of coachign and not always the top;.........i used to teach koreans who are petrrified of horses........but very rewarding that they wold never hurt them..............so those pepole who see themselves as beginners or fearful and a burden.............ironically if they only knew............we old timers prefer them...........that right..........because they are advanced students who will get on my horses and push them jumping wise or dressage...................does he do this or that maneuver etc ..........and start critiqueing them...................................im polite and suggest we go do someting else...........in my mind ............dude.......................u will never see my horse again or touch him.
we had a young student that had terrrible ptsd from childhood ...rightfully .........long long story...but the instrucotrs and even counselors were totall misreading her............she would cry and cry when the instructors wanted her to be firm with the horses ..............and spend hours grooming and loving the horses in the way the other students..........never did.........obvoulsly her trauma left her understanding what the horses go through and was very loving and very protective............everyone saw her as ...............whereas i took her asdie and as director gave her private lessons in dressage...........beCAUSE i never wold have to teach her to be gentle or senstive...............she was huge gift because i never ever had to worry that she wodl be hard in her hands or hurt the horse............tip of the iceburg of long long story.....
i see.........things very very very differently and resent life.....(should stop here) ....that people are labeled .......and made to think worse.............if i had a protetheisc limb ............get with ohters after depressoion an d lets go to the gym......paralyzed......................get a competitive wheeelchair..............
not saing anxiety doesnt exist .............saying telling someone they blink and and its abyy normal isnt useful from a coahign perspective..............the power of a coach is to take some one who has low confident..........which many of us do.............and i use my belief to emowere them......
see u tomorrow...............but i stink as a rider.
but im terible as an artist.
isaid.....................be here at 8 sharp..........with bells on
but but i cant and ill never and i stink and and
and im scared and
I said.............see u........................8 am .............the journey isnt up ot u.......
u bring your potential..........you try..................i take u the rest of teh way.....
all teh journy is my worry................all u have to do.....is show up.......and try.......we are all scared of someothign
same with schoool..........get a tutor, study hard we all did........we all were petrified in school and worked hard.............but ..............u
are worth your best investment in u...........here and now
but but im
i will be waiting here...............for u................at 8 am .................u show up
u try............i will take u all the way...............no matter if it take a thousand years....................done it with a miiioon milion students.............we all human inclduign us compettitors....
thats what iwa s trying to say............not faultimpeopel for having anzxeity in fact.........just saying.....................its universal..
sorry if i sould gruff........not meant that way............
i refuse ...............to give up ............on anyone ................who wants i bad enough evern if they are scared out of their minds...........most college students are most riding student are..............till they get to know u.
just one mans biiion hours of exereince coaching............think and do what u like.........bring ur teddy ur freinds wahtever makes u feel secure...........
lessons start at 8 am.............your name..............is on that hour..........