My bias: not saying anxiety and etc over... - Heal My PTSD

Heal My PTSD

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My bias

7 Replies

not saying anxiety and etc over diagnosised........saying anxiety is as common as the common cold or hiccups...........ive had hundreds of students and competed at significant level.........all competitors and even seals have anxiety..........we get through them by over preparatoin and forgeting about it.....who doesnt have anxiety.....find things u love and pull forward or great friends that thrive on humanness.............

all i know is that i ignore 99 percent of what these doctors and mhs says........we out doing all the time, sports and construction, art woodoworking..........better withitou someone constantly dwelling on whether we have anxiety or are perfectly at what u want.......i move ahead much better witout the system and am suscessful at many many things.......(many other much more whih is fine) a doer......can plan or design or build or make just about anytinbg....all news to offense..............i was a coach..........i know the power of belief.........i know im my students confidence........and what i can do when i believe in them............forty years of it...............but the mhs sitting in their offices know everyone has down days or anxeity coaches plan for that........we all know that as we have it ourselves............what the big u have anxiety go do something or get involved with something u love or whatever..........forget this nonsense----do what u want ..........i ignore most of their bad advice

7 Replies
Nathalie99 profile image

Thank you for sharing your situation and experience, Brig.

Mental health professionals can be helpful but they can be harmful as I experienced unfortunately.

PTSD is a different condition, it is a response to trauma, extraordinary circumstances and it is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed.

There are a few good experts out there and a large number of emerging younger ones.

I am happy that you find creativity and building things to be your way through this.

I used to do renovations and interior design, hope to get back to it when possible. It's a hobby. It helped me through tough times.

I also agree about believing in yourself- that's the most important thing especially for us who have been abused as children.

I have PTSD and anxiety/panic attacks. I found a private therapist more helpful than the mental health system in the country I lived previously.

The therapist is very compassionate and understands trauma. She follows somatic experiencing among other things so it is different than the kind of therapy people usually get which can be not necessarily helpful unless the therapist is trained in PTSD, not a general psychologist.

in reply to Nathalie99

read your statement/paragraph/discussion closely. i agree with every point u made. I think there are experts out there and i tend to borrow, tho not a military veteran, have read extensively about the vietnam nurses and use guidelines for DAV and family gets upset because im not veteran and blah blah blah ...........whereas people u know u borrow from any source .

NOTNOT NOT doing one upmanship but i worked with all kinds of people traumatized by horses......many are........this is NOT pointed to u but counselors who are clueless about what we do..........all fine but dump all over us as too stupid to undersand horses? seen it all our to rebulid ourselves when we crack up our horses and others.............done this since childhood.......fine but the counselors and others walk in and what would they know..........huh? no offiense but huh? we rebujld people all the time........i just stay out of it now.......not work butting heads with the mhs and etc .......i agree with uour sentiments.......and Have zero stigma about PTSD ....most doctors are staring to say who doesnt have it............only people who dont know that are the old time abusive shrinks and inept famlies..............there are wonderfully supportive famliies but some of us ..........have others........

i do appreciate your comments as i can hear the intent, hear the kindness for people and other things.............i DO appreicate it and agree.........about specialists doing constructive things........

my family thinks all doctors and counselors are wonderful and one is the same as another.........

dont mean to be difficult...dooooooo appreaciate your statments, dooooo agree with u.......just warning people to be careful and not believe everyting soem instrucotr coach teacher counselor parent jerk off neigbhor etc............says.............have to konw urslef and know they can be wrong............they dont know us or our worlds.........senstiivity in horsemanship is an asset not a crime not a fault................

i do ...............appreciate and hear what u are saying and the intent...thank u.

in reply to

i quit riding because i was labeled as a heartless elitist because i was born into horses...........not realizing we were the slave labor and crawled out of ghetto barns and rode every horse horrible or not...helped others and trained up the sand lot box........but because we prevailed we had it easy.........we just had a good start..........well no its thousands of hours of practice and hard work that docotrs and mhs people dont konw about and wont let u be a significant rider is like a significatn paino player...........doesnt play itself............consumer beware is what im saying and prob shouldnt post as i have a palpable dislike and bias agasint the people with all their biases against us and the military...........all mitalry is bad to ..........unpublishable...........i worked all day yesterday at a food drive...........most of the men..........ex military.............we know how to work.........

in reply to

What you say is true Brig. People can be herded into believing things about themselves or losing confidence in themselves. We lack a lot in this American culture that would keep this type of thing at bay. Strong community and strong family units would be helpful. We have lost that. Anyway, good to see a post from you.

in reply to

no primates are loners ..they all work and groom each toher etc.........isolate only the real bad actors.........we arent any different and we dont need crowds but that is not a weakness or fault or whatever that people do better in small group; an anthropolsist have since the dawn of time.........i do not agreew tieh mnodern thinking...........who made upa ll this ???

doesnt work for me..........just like people left the cathorlic church.........dont work for us.........nothign wrong with that........

people need people the right peop;le........old as time

the british or other cultures are all about community...this mhs nonesels is new age individualism which doesnt work for rural and we all count on each toerh and keep quiet track of each other care about each other with minding buisness.........normal for us dissected out my the new age mhs which i thinknif garbage wrong just like new age math...........the old worked better............

SavingGrace profile image
SavingGraceAdministrator in reply to

Hi Brig57. I live in the Uk, but have not come across the acronym MHS. Could you expand on what this means and refers to please?

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