I could not take the agony of waiting guys 😩And Kittykat28 talked me into getting them by contacting my Dr, so that's what I did! I was told I have to come in to get a copy. As you all know, I have been soooooo afraid of my results and fearing the worse, cancer, thyroid, etc... but come to find out, I'm even healthier than I was last year!!!! 😳 I seriously can't believe it!!! And I'm so thankful and highly greatful!!!! I think it is due to me becoming vegan, however I have Vitamin D deficiency, which may be attributing to my anxiety and depression. So my Dr prescribed me a very high dose of Vitamin D that I will take once a week over the course of a month. My level is low (13) with the low recommendation of (50) so I'm very very low. But I feel so much better and I really just want to thank everyone that has been comforting me and responding to me, I'll be back on here later on tonight of course to talk more symptoms 😘Love you guys
Picked Up My Blood Test Results!!!! - Heal My PTSD
Picked Up My Blood Test Results!!!!

I am glad to hear that you have very good test results, RyRywifey. I can imagine that it is a big relief, knowing that and having peace of mind. It is better to do it and know rather than wait and be afraid of the unknown. But it is very hard to do something we are afraid of, so well done...
I had low vitamin D too in the past and GP asked me to take it.
It is possible that severe stress and anxiety can cause a range of symptoms that are not explained otherwise and it takes a lot of self care to manage it and find what works and what helps.
Great on you for being proactive and looking on ways to improve you feel.
Thank you so much Natalie, I was a WRECK, if it weren't for kittykat28, I would still be a wreck smh. She told me I should call my Dr to get my results, even tho I was scared, I knew it was best for me to know good or bad. I suffer terribly from health anxiety, within this year I have feared I had over 21 different incurable diseases (one at a time of course) but that's a lot, and so exhausting smh. I couldn't believe it was anxiety, I truly convinced myself of all of them, even started fearing certain ones for my daughter smh. I know that I need help and next week my Dr is going to talk to me about starting therapy. So I'm very relieved. I just want to heal. I'm tired of missing the way I used to be and I'm determined to get back to myself again
Yay!!!! So happy for you! Celebrate! And yes the vitamin d will help too , I think everyone is low.
Yaaaay!!!! Thank you!!! I'm going to celebrate this weekend!!! It's taking a little bit for all of my nerves to calm down completely but I'm very relieved 🙌🏽Now those are my thoughts, I think everyone is low too!! My Dr said it's very common and many people don't know because they are not tested for it
FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!! 🤗🤗So pleased for you ~not only were your results good ~but you were very brave as well to request them ( courage is not the absence of fear but feeling afraid and doing it anyway) Have a wonderful time in L.A. ( book me a ticket and I will book my flight lol!!😂)
Kath 🌷

Thank you sooooooooo much kittykat!!!!! You have no idea how much you helped me!!!! If it weren't for you I wouldn't have the peace of mind I have right now 😌💕lol I wish I could get you a ticket!! LA is a beautiful place you should visit!!!! But I've been going thru this for so long and I'm so happy to have it off of me now. It helped me so much this morning to imagine you holding my hand while I called and sat to get my results... you really don't know how much you've helped me, thank you, may the universe bless you abundantly 💕
Oh heck you have brought tears to my eyes with your very kind words ~Pleased I could help you out ~but remember you did this yourself ~ and be PROUD of your achievement 💕 ~ If you ever need a "chat" you know where I am and visa versa ~you never know one of these days I may visit LA ~but I'm a bit of a wimp with long haul flights lol!!😟 and a long way from UK ~I live in the North East which is also very beautiful ( if sometimes very wet!!)
Wishing Peace to you and your loved ones
PS ~Thank you also ~you have made me feel good about myself knowing I was able to help you out a bit
Thank you so much!!! My 8 yr old is vegan as well and recently started having pain in one of her hips so I'm hoping that pain can be cured with vitamin D if she too is deficient. I'll be taking her to be tested as well. But I'm very happy and I'm gonna hold on to this feeling 💕
Girl dont ypu know the same happened with me too when i went for some routine blood work back in September of last year when i was first going through all of this. I was told my vitamin d levels was at 18 and that she gave me the 50,000 mg dose of the vitamin d to take once a week too. But i took it for about 5 weeks and quit because i was still just feeling all too nauseous and sick but now im wondering if it was just the high anxiety doing that or the vitamin d pills since it was such a high dosage to take. So i was considering taking some vitamin d pills again but a less dosage because i never did get checked again on my vitamin levels to see if it had gotten better. Im glad you got good news. It probably instantly calmed your nerves as soon as you got those results. Girl i know.

I take a vitamin d capsule monthly and that capsule gives me the same ammount as three months sun would I have to take it