A Margot thing: I've ordered these tops for... - Heal My PTSD

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A Margot thing

8 Replies

I've ordered these tops for when I go out. It says it's a margot thing - You wouldn't understand.

8 Replies
GRUMPYA profile image

Brilliant Margot! You tell them! I think in all seriousness that you are showing a very positive attitude that maybe means you have glimpsed the light at the end of the tunnel. And you made me laugh!

in reply to GRUMPYA

Hey Grumpya hope your day was ok. How was secret shopper. Glad I made you laugh. :) :)

GRUMPYA profile image
GRUMPYA in reply to

Hi Margot,

Let me tell you my good news first - I have a job interview on Monday, 3 hrs after the dentist!

The bad news is someone has totally stitched me up at work, I went in today to find out they are investigating whether to discipline me. Someone copied a conversation off facebook that I had poosted (friends only setting) where I had said I was dreading work with toothache and couldn't face any more comments like "it ls alright for you, you are sitting down all day" or the only clutter round here is g's wheelchair" or any notes with FYI on them. A couple of friends posted comments saying you should complain and I said I didn't see the point some of the things had gone past the manager and he hadn't picked up on the attitude and besides I didn't feel that there was much point, after all she would either self destruct or I would move on. I did say she claims to have OCD and be bipolar which I probably shouldnt have and said she was a spiteful bully. I didn't tell any lies. But of course my employer has a policy prohibiting any stuff you might put on a private fb account as wll as hundreds of other policies that are all on a database somewhere.

I feel stupid and I have obviously been betrayed by a "friend". One colleague is a fb friend of someone who was, until tonight, on my friends list. She knew I was miserable and she is the one who told me that the manager is always a complete cow when doing am drams. I would have thought that she would have said something to me, at least warned me off, she is normally very forthright, so I don't know if it was a conspiracy or whether the "friend" thought she was helping me by drawing attention to what was happening. I don't know what to believe, I don't know who to trust.

The manager hasn't been told what it is all about, just that I have been accused of breaching policies. Her manager will let me know next week what he will do, if he will take it further. I told him I would feel it was very unfair if having been subjected to this treatment by this woman I then got disciplined for compaining to what I thought were friends when I felt cornered and alone.

Not much else I could say really. I've been stupid in that I allowed myself to be betrayed. Tonight I deleted almost all my local "friends" from fb. I think I will just check it in future to see what other people are doing rather than use it as a means of reaching out or communicating. It was fun while it lasted feeling that I had a few aquaintences out there and feeling part of their lives but that is in th past now. I can't tell who was involved so better to remove all of them. I suppose that's the thing with living in the country they all know each other and are all inter married. In my experience it's never wise to guess who did what, you think you are safe or have weeded out the enemy but you never guess the whole story.

I'm worried about my references now, as well as how do I continue working there if I don't get this job. I feel stitched up, I feel like I walked into a trap, the manager makes my life a misery, provokes and upsets me, then they wair for me to walk straight into the trap. The colleague who I worked with today is the one who might or might not have been involved in "sharing" these details, she has a sick child, I have tried my best to help and support her, and even today we talked about it and I helped her with some IT stuff too. I don't want to believe she is involved. But on the other hand she would know how to send stuff to HR while the fb "friend" who I think is at the root of it would hhave to go to some lengths to find out where to send it.

Just going round and round my head now. Sorry to hog your funny cheerful post but wanted to let you know what was happening. Hope your day has been positive and that youur first conselling session goes ok

in reply to GRUMPYA

Arrrr Sweetie how totally crap for you. I have learnt that driving yourself crazy about who did this to you is fruitless. I was called into the head of our units office to be told that "someone" had said I could not be a good manager as I was too nice. Did all the speculating about who it could be. Told my team who were astounded. A new member of my team said O that's awful I could never do that. Turned out it was her she was jealous because I was training my long term right hand back up. Who had been there longer and in a high level situation had my back. Whereas she was afraid to engage. These people are not worth your time, commitment or care. Fxxx em. Legally you cannot be given a poor reference they can be neutral but not damning. Please Please leave there they are awful people. Since I found out my employer of fourteen years is going to sack me because of my condition. I also found out that despite earning double what my hubby earns I am entitled to so many things because I have been paying into the system for 39 years. Ok not rich but can definitely cope. I may even get a free bus pass ten years early. ha ha. Do not drive yourself crazy over these people. When you leave they will have a different target - God help that person - you are worth so much more. On the humanity scale they score 0.

O got ready to brave the big wide world today. My beautiful little man Ainsleigh who is eighteen. He said you look nice mum. Kept me going all day. x

GRUMPYA profile image
GRUMPYA in reply to

Isn't it lovely when your baby who has been rather neanderthal for the last 5 years or so starts being a lovely adult male. My son has always been a punk or grunger and for the wedding he had his hair cut in a modern cut that is slightly retro 1950s and he looked adult and handsome, like he'd left the rebel behind. It was nice to see a man standing there.

I'm most defiantly doingmy best to get out. II've got the interview Monday for the full time job. It would be a shock to the system to work full time and it might mean I lose some other support but it would be nice to be able to sort out pensions and stuff like that, and full time is only 37 hours a week, it's not like being sent down the mines after all.

If i don't get it then I will keep applying for anything suitable. While I'm doing that I'll keep aquired certificates because that seems to be the way employers are going at present.

I know which "friend" printed off the screen shot but whether she acted alone or with a colleague i dont know. I've deleted her and a few other people who are nice enough but all inter - connected as I'm better off without these vipers. I've also resolved to say nothing in the workplace. I've been told it's confidential anyway but if i meet this "friend" in the village when i go to the little market i may well ask her why.

I'm sure if i went thro every possible reason inmy head I wwouldn't guess exactly how she will justify it to herself and to me if cornered.

Am I right in thinking it is your first counselling session today? If i am right the very best of luck. I will look out for your presence later on!

Well it's stupid early but I think I'm up now so best get washed and dressed, thanks for being there and your words of wisdom

Lindyloo53 profile image

Lol I've got a bag that says its a lynda thing you wouldn't understand it.

in reply to Lindyloo53

Says it all doesn't it without saying anything. :)

BikerChk profile image

I LOVE it!!!! Wear it with pride!! :-)

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