In 2013 I was assaulted till unconscious by 5 men , then taken against my will shortly after and having to escape. I had always had small bouts of insomnia or trouble sleeping like anyone would about things like school or work worries. After the assault It didn't seem like it phased me, or at the time i hadn't notice that some nights that year i would just be wired and couldn't sleep. About the same time of the assault i had entered a relationship, unknowingly it would turn out to be very tumultuous and unhealthy, i would go as far as to say abusive. This relationship was a constant play on my nerves. Fast forward to about September/October of this past year, because of unforeseen events I was assaulted and robbed. Shortly after I experienced my first night terror/panic attack. I never experienced panic attack but they grew more frequent. At the same time my unhealthy/tumultuous/emotionally abusive relationship was falling apart and very dramatically. After being robbed and the relationship stress and blow out I stopped sleeping. It began with a month of very shallow sleep or non at all. Then the sleep progressed to full blown insomnia sleep deprivation. The panic attacks, anxiety, agoraphobia, paranoia, every stimuli felt like a sonic boom. Then since everything was so fresh everything was a trigger. I ended up having to bow out of my job and seek help. I sought out a therapist I knew, but the symptoms and the now almost 2 months of sleep deprivation were too much. I decided to go to the ER told them what had happened and been happening and they referred me to a trauma center for PTSD. The center was alittle slow on the uptake of how severe my symptoms were and how far along my sleep problems were. After about a month or so there my symptons were worsening and they were obvious now my sleep had become such an issue. I was being recommended inpatient treatment, and after a couple of weeks of trying to make it work and stick it out i entered Psychosis because of the sleep deprivation. I was sent inpatient and my sleep barely improved but i was stabilized and put of lithium and seroquel. after leaving the hospital and entering an IOP my sleep still wasn't improving. My panic and anxiety and other symptoms had finally left but still no sleep. The seroquel would sedate me, but i would not sleep. Finally Just about a week ago i caught some nights of real sleep and it felt so good. But now once again my sleep is fleeting me.
Im feeing desperately lost in this. And Im tired of being tired and feeling awful all the time.
Dose anyone have any real advice as to how to train my body for sleep. I believe i may be going to a sleep study soon but I'm not sure how much that is going to help me. I know that healing takes time, but i need to be headed in the right direction. So please, if anyone is aware of ways to train your self to fall asleep, any type of therapy..facility even. I would be greatly appreciated. My body needs to re-lean its parasympathetic state. I feel as though I'm deteriorating day by day.-Mike