Assessment : This morning I had somebody ring... - Heal My PTSD

Heal My PTSD

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This morning I had somebody ring me to signposts me to the right therapy which I would need, to help me, after it had explained how I was feeling, I was told there is no magic pill I can have, and that what he advises is thst I refer myself to a diffrent organisation to ask for therapy . I felt quilty just being me, and vunerable. I don't want to ring this other organisation, as I don't feel up to it. The person who rang me said I am stopping myself from moving forward, although they don't know me from Adam. I explained about berevement and the person asked if I have grieved for my mother who died 2 years ago, i said I didn't know. All in all I feel worse than I did before, all I wanted was some help with my panic attacks , a doctor who I saw a few years back said I was suffering from PTSD , when I mentioned this to the person who rang me, they just carried on asking me questions. It puts me right off asking for help, I am so determined to try and help myself where I start is a nother matter.

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AbideinLove profile image

Hi Bluegirl1222,

Let me get this straight...

Someone called you this morning to try to help you find the right therapy and he referred you to a different organization? Then he asked you lots of intimidating and personal questions?

You are right, he doesn't know you and really had no right to ask you all kinds of questions. I completely understand why you would feel the way you do.

However, it would probably benefit you enormously to get professional help. I understand how hard it is to find someone that you can trust.

Three years ago, I was very scared and ashamed to need a therapist. However, now I am really glad I did get professional help. I still receive professional help - and will for quite sometime.

IMHO, if you suffer from PTSD, it is best you find a competent therapist. I completely understand you don't feel up to ringing another organization. Do you have anyone that can help you do that? Can you make an appointment with your primary doctor and get a referral that way?

It is too hard to do this all alone. I have a complete support team working with me and yet I still find it very challenging. This forum is a tremendous help, along with all the resources Michele offers us. However, you really need someone to talk to face-to-face.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. I am good at research and can find out information for you to consider.

With Love & Compassion,


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