So I just told my therapist I needed a forum and here it is. Living with PTSD has been ROUGH to say the least. I've gone through mourning the old me and now trying to get into the new me. I'm glad there is a virtual place to connect.
A new step: So I just told my therapist I... - Heal My PTSD
A new step
How cool is that, PoeticOvercomer! Awesome timing it sounds like! Yes, living with PTSD has been rough for me as well. And it seems like I do a lot of releasing the old me - which means a loss and grief - and then a lot of trying to get comfortable with the new (still changing) me. This is a wonderful resource, and glad you're here!
Mellow Dan H. Thanks for the response. Wow the grief has been overwhelming but so necessary for the process. It's really hard when those around don't understand. Oh well! So I continue to remind myself that I'm not the same.
You're so welcome. I have had it described as a roller coaster - one day I'm fine, the next consumed with grief. And yes, I have had a lot of people not understand. The old "smiling Dan" was not around, and that's who they wanted. But the grief had been stuffed in there for a lot of years, and had to come out. Yes, we're not the same - but the old me wasn't making me very happy anyway. So might as well move forward!
Hey Dan H! I like the reply. Roller coaster is a good way to describe days. Forward it is!
Way to go, PoeticOvercomer! A therapist reminded me one time that when I was breaking up with a particular woman and the grief hit - I was also feeling the grief from all the other relationships I had never grieved. That's why the grief was so intense. I found that to be true.
Great attitude - keep moving forward!
Hi there and welcome
It s a such a relief to know that somebody is gone through Ptsd therapy and now feels New.
What an achievement!
I just started Ptsd therapy and O need support at time that s why I m here.
Welcome again and well done
I find I can accept the new me better and easier than my loved ones. I feel I am constantly setting boundaries about what I can and will do in order to take care of me. I feel moving forward slowly and the awareness of this movement is essential. I have to remind myself of this and think of how far I've come so far.
Hello! Somedays I feel like it's been boundary overload because the trauma was too great. Self-care is vital. That's what recovery is all about.