Hi everyone , after a long bout of illness going back 10 years my GP suggested celiac.
I have tested positive on anti TPO antibodies indicating Hashimotos previously ,High Ra factor. I am deficient in folate, vitamin D.
Just got back results
Anti TPO antibodies normal
TPO ANTIBODIES: < 33 iu/mL [0.0 - 60.0]
Elevated Haemoglobin, White blood cells,Esr, red blood cells,lymphocytes, Plasma alkaline phosphatase levels, Eosonophils.
Serum vitamin B12 level 451 pg/mL [180.0 - 914.0]
Tissue transglutaminase IgA level 0.7 u/mL [0.0 - 6.9]
IgA anti-TTG antibodies are negative. This does
not support a diagnosis of coeliac disease.
However, if the clinical suspicion is very high,
suggest a small bowel biopsy. Serology will become
negative once the patient is on a gluten free diet
and false negatives occur in complete IgA
Symptoms : rash, acute joint pain, migraines,extreme fatigue, constipation then diaorrhea , nausea every morning.
Previous tests are Negative for lupus, Rheumatoid,Thyroid (TSH 1.6 normal)
I have been a significant carb, bread, pastry, cereal eater,so i decide to go gluten free just after blood test and have noticed a significant improvement in the last 3 days! Would this be possible so soon ?
Does the Iga antibody signify deficiency ?
I have had enough of going to Gps and blood tests so will i do myself any harm by going gluten free?
My two sons ( ages 23, 16) also have been back and forwards to GP with explosive bowel problems shall we say , but never was celiac disease mentioned, should i explore a diagnosis with them or just let them decide whether to go gluten free.
I thank you all in advance for any info that you can offer