Setting up my own business [title edi... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Setting up my own business [title edited by Admin]

kerrywilliams0711 profile image
9 Replies

I resigned my job as a social worker in January having realised I was no longer well enough to do it :(

However I have a law degree and social work masters degree. So I have started my own business.

I have lots of experience battling employers and the DWP, particularly DLA and ESA. Also lots of knowledge on employment issues/disability discrimination/constructive dismissal etc and the new PIP and universal credit. I am more than four times cheaper than a solicitor and obviously have a strong empathy as I have fibromyalgia and other health probems.

Really hoping this business takes off as I don't think I'm well enough to work for an employer :(

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kerrywilliams0711 profile image
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9 Replies
mooo1967 profile image

Can't access your site just takes you to vista....

kerrywilliams0711 profile image

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mooo1967 profile image

Thanks chick x

kerrywilliams0711 profile image
kerrywilliams0711 in reply to mooo1967

You're very welcome Mo :)

jom277 profile image

If you need any help with it, let me know. Am also a social worker in physical disabilities and previously an advocate. Love a good fight against the system. Just give me a shout. Especially as I expect, you will become very busy over the next few months.

kerrywilliams0711 profile image

Hiya Jom

Thanks so much for your offer of help, it is very much appreciated :)

Thats really bizarre that you are a social worker in phys dis, as that is the exact role I resigned in January, and I did Family/Divorce Law prior to that, with advocacy as a side line. How strange that our lives parallel like that :)

You are quite right that it will be very busy over the next few months.

Theres all the new welfare legislation in April, which coincides with legal aid ending for all except crime and domestic violence cases.

Its truly awful cos what that means in reality is that all the people that would have gone to a solicitor and got legal aid will no longer have that option. So they will try the free services. The problem with that is; there will be 1000's of people turning to free services such as CAB, as they will think that is there only option seeing as legal aid won't be available. That means 1000's of people all clambering for advice from free and small charitable organisations. So CAB and other such organisations will end up with waiting lists that are off the scale and will find it almost impossible to provide the service they intended to supply as with such long waiting lists, and so few staff, that will be impossible. And then with solicitors charging a minimum of £170 per hour, there will be 1000's of people getting screwed over by 'the system' and they will have no access to legal help, advice or assistance ... unless they want to wait 3 - 6 months for an appointment. So the chances of them getting justice when the system screws them over are minimal. There will be fewer appeals and tribunals etc as people will not have access to expert advice, assistance and most importantly justice! That is exactly what the government wants, and is precisely the reason legal aid is to end, as the welfare reforms come in. "yes you have the right to appeal, but oh! ... we will make it nigh on impossible for you to win as we have taken away your access to free or affordable representation!" It is disgusting and absolutely sucks!

Thats partly the reason I set this business up. I am more than 4 times cheaper than a solicitor, and I can see clients within 48 hours of first contact. And I will be doing everything from .... filling out PIP forms, DLA forms and issues, ESA issues, Letters, Phone call etc, Reviews, Appeals and Tribunals. And I will fight tooth and nail to win cos I think the new reforms are a massive attack on us all. I take it very personally and will give it everything! Obviously I have to charge the fee I am to make a living, but like I said, I am more than 4 times cheaper than a solicitor. But I do have a Law Degree, Legal Experience, and then my Social Work Masters and experience, so I don't think my fees are astronomical when you consider it took 9 years and £50,000 to know what I know :)

Anyway.... really praying that the business takes off, cos I am not well enough to go back to an employer .... but as I can do most of this work from my recliner then its ideal ... assuming it works out for me.

Anyway, ... again many thanks for your offer of help ... I may just take you up on that at some point

Take are and hope you are having a good week :)

Kerry x

pettal profile image
pettal in reply to kerrywilliams0711

well hi l was just told last tuesday l had this it came as shock to me but when l think back with what l have had to put up with these last 12 yrs l am not surprise. lost my hub in 2000 and in 2003 my son and his girl friend who is a social worker rip me off for £90.000 been to crourt with it all won court case ect and my grandaughter had a little girl so she was my great grandaughter. and because my son has married his girlfriend now and she cant have kids they have manager to take my greatgrandaughter away from me and her mother so now l can see why people dont trust social worker this is how come l have got this illness all by stress

I just wanted to wish you well in your business and with your health.

I love to hear a story where a negative has been turned into positive and you've found a way to work with your illness and also help others. I'm trying to get to a point where I can do the same and self-employment is the only way.

Great big warm hugs and have a very blessed day.

Blessed love xx

esagestapo profile image

I have recently been informed by staff at my local CAB that they no longer help people on benefits with preparation for tribunal as legal aid funding has been withdrawn. What they do now is refer you on, hopefully to an organisation that knows something about benefit appeals process, and more importantly, can prepare the paperwork needed for tribunals.

Shelter was not much help when I went to them, for a change, 3 years ago. They had one person on the books who was a former housing benefit officer, and she was clueless as to how the appeals process worked.

As I can't see anyone in receipt of benefits hiring a solicitor, or solicitors taking on cases from benefit claimants for that matter, the best advice I can give when preparing your own submissions for tribunal is, remember to use paragraphs for ease of perusal. :)

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