Lost my job :(: After working really... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Lost my job :(

Lucyw profile image
28 Replies

After working really hard only taking 2 days off sick in all that time, struggling in on days where I should of been at home in bed or just resting has now come to a sudden end.

I worked for ....wait for it.....the NHS. A hospital where they are supposed to care!

It was a fixed term contract for a year which was extended and again...I reached the target every month and beyond.

Last month my new line manager called me into her office and told me she wasn't going to renew my contract. Then she gave me a whole blurb about its not me but the job had changed and she would let me know about the new changes. I had over a month of waiting and yesterday I learnt it was banded 3 grades down so now it's on minimum wage.

I am so upset and livid.

I actually said to her this is because of my disability, I started last year using sticks and had to move downstairs as walking up them made my life too difficult. Then I needed a specially adapted chair, footrest and a lockable cupboard for my medication and other personal things to be locked away.

I'm 100% in thinking all because of my disability is why I've been pushed out.

Now I really hate fibromyalgia even more.

Left empty and depressed over the whole situation, but the worst thing is I can't prove it.

Very unfair indeed. I feel sorry for myself and my GP whom I'm going to see this morning.

Off to the job centre this morning looking for a job who will just laugh at me because I can hardly walk!

Please any comments or advice will be very much appreciated


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Lucyw profile image
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28 Replies
babebatista profile image

HI Lucy,

I'm sorry to hear this news. At the moment I can feel for you feeling upset enough because of the condition that we suffer from but that you have now lost your job through illness. It's an awful world hun. Couple of things I'd suggest to you. 1) Keep a record of dates, you've been ill, notes that you've made, dates you've seen doctors, etc. 2) Look in your area for either a CAB or someone that works for Employment & Welfare. I have one in my area and they helped me so much. They fill in my DLA forms for me and tell me what to expect when going for ESA medicals, tribunals and loads of advice. So I'd deffo start there. 3) Keep your head up and try to stay strong. I worked for the Environment Agency, and had changes made to my chair, desk area and other things, and unfortunately had time of work which didn't help. 4) Keep in touch and let me know how you get on. :) Finding someone/people that understand you and what your dealing with, helps just make each day that little bit easier. When you see your doctor today, tell them everything that's happened, they may be able to help you with what happened, or suggest somewhere for you to go for advice. Finding a good GP is a good start for an uphill battle. I know this probably sounds like a lot, but I want you to know that your not alone, and there are people here that understand and are here for you.

Take care Lucy, speak soon,

Gentle fibro hugs



ladymoth profile image

Very good advice there, Lucy - I have nothing much to add but my best wishes for a better future.

Personally, as an ex NHS employee, I guess you could look on it as a blessing in disguise, as they are possibly the worst employer in the UK.

Take care and very best wishes.

Moffy x

Can only agree with the above except I challenge you moffy the council come very close to the NHS for worst employer....

Ginsing profile image

Lucy good luck hope youbfind something else xgin

esagestapo profile image

It is criminal that the NHS can get away with using contracts for employees to do a job that should be for life. This is how they gag potential whistle blowers, why nurses keep quiet when patients are left to die, the whole system is corrupt. For what it is worth, you are better off out of it, there is no job security and they would have got rid of you at some point to save money. By save money I mean, increasing the managements bonuses to maximum. That is their idea of saving money, pay some hatchet man millions to run the service into the ground in preparation for a sell off to the private sector or closure.

LindseyMid profile image

Hi Lucy

I'm really sorry to hear that. I know the NHS using contract work when it should be permanent positions causes issues for all kinds of people!

This info on Work & Fibro and Benefits & Fibro may help:



Lucyw profile image
Lucyw in reply to LindseyMid

Thank you but it's very confusing?

What do I do with my sick certificate?

I leave my job end of March anyway, and its valid until end of April, I probably will get another after that too. I'm not fit to work I'm in constant agony all the time. I get DLA am I entitled to any other not working benefit. Please let me know I'm finding it all very confusing.Many kind thanks x

Lucyw profile image

Thank you all for your lovely and helpful comments.

I've been signed off until end of April.

Lost my job, having to move house after living here for 25 years as I can't do the stairs anymore. Total misery I feel tired and empty. But your comments have cheered me up so thanks.


Hi Lucy I can sympathise with you totally about having to move house we moved to a bungalow 18momths ago for the same reason... Yes I miss my lovely big old house but the stairs I don't miss and now I am used to the bungalow it's the best move we could have made....

Good luckVg x

Lucyw profile image


ellie172825 profile image

Another ex NHS worker retired through ill health "Fibro" I understand entirely, took me a long time to except the fact I was retired at the grand old age of 49.....:( feel better soon. (((SOFT WARM HUGS)))

Lucyw profile image

But Ellie,how,do you survive financially? I can't just live on DLA alone?

mistymeana profile image

Oh bless you Lucy. I know how you feel as had a similar experience a couple of years ago. Luckily for me I managed to get a small settlement package as I was on a permanent contract and made discrimination noises but it was very much a case of jump or get pushed pushed. I would like to nominate BT to join the worst employer in the UK list please. On a positive, I am much happier now I'm not working for them even though the money drained quickly and I'm skint. I hope you find something suitable soon x

Lucyw profile image
Lucyw in reply to mistymeana

Wow this is becoming quite an interesting question on here. It's opened up a few different interesting debates on whose the worst corporate company to work for. I never though BT would be one of them, it just goes to show....not sure what to do next but I will give BT a large swerve

Many thanks for your reply, gentle fibro hugs x

shazzap12 profile image

If you are able, consider working from home options. There are increasing numbers of companies using home based workers on a self employed basis. It is so much more rewarding that having to claim and rely on ESA, and your dla is not affected. Lucy, I am not sure what you did for the NHS, but if medically trained, one area is telephone triage (I think that's the right term). Or medical typist. For instance the RNIB employ home workers as telephone fundraisers, and another company 360 CRM employ people to telephone patients and confirm their NHS appointments. And the good thing about being self employed and working from home is you can offset a proportion of your household expenses, like heating, telephone, mortgage interest, insurance & council tax against what you earn, lowering any tax liabilities.

Lucyw profile image
Lucyw in reply to shazzap12

Hi Shazzap 12,

Thanks for your reply and such interesting information.

I certainly will think about it as telephone work is something I enjoy!

And thanks to everyone that has answered

Hugs all round, I'm feeling much more positive this morning even though in quite a lot of pain which is usual.

I've never in 3 years had a day without pain :(


So sorry you may have experience disability discrimination

You may find ACAS helpful

This is pasted from the website for information.

Acas Helpline

Call our Helpline on 08457 47 47 47 for free support and advice

Whether you are an employer, employee or representative, you can call the national Acas helpline for free and impartial advice. Simply get in touch and we'll provide you with clear and confidential guidance about any kind of dispute or query that you have about relationship issues within the workplace. You may want to know about employment rights and rules, best practice or you may need advice about a dispute. Whatever it is, just give us a call, our team are on hand to respond within the hours below.

Helpline numbers

Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm and Saturday, 9am-1pm: 08457 47 47 47.

We apologise that the Helpline will only be available 8am-6pm on Wednesday 20 March, but will return to its normal availability times (8am-8pm) on Thursday 21 March.

Customers with a hearing or speech impairment may prefer to contact us using the Text Relay service. You can contact the Acas Helpline using Text Relay by dialling 18001 08457 474747. Your questions will be relayed to the helpline adviser who answers the call and a real-time conversation will take place.

Information on the Text Relay service is available at textrelay.org.

Hope this helps


Lucyw profile image

Thank you Gigi2104

I did call ACAS straight away and mentioned this to my line manager but you have to be on a fixed term contract for 2 years and I was only just under that to qualify.

All this information is fantastic.

I also called the FEDS but they have never really helped me. When I asked them for help,completing my appeal forms for DLA they said its not something they do. When I called them about this particular problem they said call your local job centre?

What do the FEDS do? I'd like to know?


Are you in a Trade Union? They may help you if you want to take some action?



Lucyw profile image
Lucyw in reply to

No I never joined :(

Jobcentres don't usually complete appeal forms

DIAL and CAB may help with forms

It helps to ring ahead

I have heard Jobcentres may be low on staff today due to industrial action


Lucyw profile image

Oh thanks for all,your help.

We managed with the appeal forms and after 2 tribunals we won DLA but have to do it all over again next year, which makes me want to cry just the thought of it.

You are full of interesting info, who are Scope?

in reply to Lucyw

Scope are another Charity,I think they are helping DIAL get internet savvy

Lucyw profile image

Oh thank you gigi2104

Much appreciated.

When looking for work with mobility problems





Lucyw profile image

Thanks again! We need a like button on here!

Tibby3a profile image


Are you with a union? I know we live in an age when unions are not popular, but they have been so helpful. I was the whipping person everyday for my employers, they stepped in and now they curtsy or bow when they come near me. Look on the ACAS site (I am sorry for advertising one organisation), there are others to look at, but that site helped me a lot and the free solicitor I was appointed from the union. My employers cut my wage by £1000 per month, I had to put a counter argument into my employers (3 months give or take 1 day), they fought it for me. I didn't get it all back but they found out that they can't just cut the wage or change the job without consultation and they have to provide a new contract, they can't just give you notice. I hope it helps.

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