hi fibro friends at last been to pain management today tryed all tablets so sending me for the acopunture has any body had this before dose it help and how do they do it there doing my knees sholders elbows anyone with imformation i would be grateful gentle hugs to all xx
Acopunture laser treatment: hi fibro... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Acopunture laser treatment

Hi there ,
I have tried acupuncture didn't work for me at all but then the physio who was doing it stuck the needles in my shoulder then left me for 20 mins on a hard seat while he had a coffee... I was more worried about falling off the seat and impaling myself on said needles so it wasn't exactly a relaxing treatment...... Hopefully it will be of more use to you .. The needles don't hurt at all so don't be worried about that
Good luck and please let us know how you get on
VG x
Thanks for your reply he told me today they dont use needles as i asked its laser oh well ill let u know gentle hugs xx
Please do as I am always looking for alternatives as I don't react well with so many meds it could be something I could ask to try
VG xx
Yes np i will got to wait for the appointment to come throgh and ill cerainly let you know x
I haven't come across research relating to laser acupuncture, but acupuncture is discussed in the FibroAction 'Complementary Therapies & Fibro' factsheet:
Hi, I had acccupuncture some years ago. One morning I woke up tried to get out of bed and couldnt move, it was the wierest feeling Ive ever had. I just could not sit up. Anyway after my husband got me out of bed i went to the docs the same day... I worked for my gp at the time so i had evrything i needed instantly, they wanted me back at work asap lol. I couldnt brush my hair the right arm just had no feeling in it at all. I had physio first, no benifit at all, i then had traction, no benifit. Then the physio at my surgery asked if i would like to try accupuncture!!1 i was a bit sceptical to start with but by this time i had been off work 4 weeks.
I gave it ago and within 5 days i could brush my hair, brush my teeth and drive again. I had 6 treatments and i was back at work, it worked for me but like all medications and treatments its not for everyone. I can recommend it from my experience. I felt no pain at all from the needles, they are so thin you dont feel anything. One occation she hit a nerve in my wrist and my arm jumped and my physio stuck herself with the needle and we both had to have tests for hepititis, just as a procaution....my physio was brilliant. Since then i have had no reacurring problems.
Give it a go. And good luck xx

That sounds promising but today i ask about the needles and he said they dont use them? But its called laser acupunture so im not sure what to expect thanks for letting know xx
Ive never heard of that one?, good luck with it though. Anythings worth a try, nothing can be as bad as fibro pain, Its horrid. hope it goes well. xx
Doctor said it will never cure it but it might take the edge of it any think is worth ago if only for a little releif will let u know how its goes xx
I tried it back in 2002, but have never heard of laser acupuncture. It was tried all over my body but the only relief I got was in my neck, even that ceased to work after so long. But it did enable me to move my neck much more easier than I had been able to in years.
But everyone is different. If you get the opportunity to try it there is nothing to lose. Its quite relaxing too xx
Thank you for that i have never heard of laser acupunture my first pain management doc surrgested it so i said i would give it a go ill let u all know how it goes when i try it xx
Hi I have accupucture monthly. I find it successful. I haven't had laser bit it works the same way. They find the accupuncture points and instead of needles use a kind of pen. You can buy the macines online for home use. I've considered it, bit my acupuncture isn't sitting on hard chairs drinking tea.....its more a meditation opportunity, sitting in a recliner chair in a quiet room.....and followed by chi alignment. X lovely lol

Aww that sounds good you say u go every month does it last the month before the pain gets worse x
It doesn't quite work like that....its like a top up of general pain relief somehow.... if I do too much or theres stress around the pain can come back...
It isn't like a medication....it is more systemic than that. Sort of allows the body to cope better somehow
I had accupuncture last year for 6 weeks. I was for my lower back. I did get relief for a couple of days each time, but that was it. The needles did hurt in my lower back region.
Hi this is new i think as its laser no needles used but its called laser acupunture see how things go hope your back feels better soon xx