So how's the diet going Libs and ever... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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So how's the diet going Libs and everyone?

Extremelygrumpy profile image
23 Replies

I distinctly remember Libby saying she had lasted 2 hours before she forgot on her first diet day so here's a gentle reminder, and to everyone else trying to get into a new healthier new year GOOD LUCK!!!!

Beams positively at everyone while shuffling sideways away from Libby's wand

VG ;)

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Extremelygrumpy profile image
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23 Replies
Sammicat15 profile image

erm......what diet lol? we're still eating up food bought for Christmas!

I got on the scales yesterday to see the truth of the matter and noted a half stone weightgain since early December. So, we're starting the new regime next week :-) yeah, yeah, yeah......:-D

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Lol sammicat after two weeks dieting I am now down to weight I thought I was before I got on the scales after Christmas... I am sticking to it though like a fly to flypaper if I can't get rid of fibro and arthritis I can get rid of the weight... And if I say it enough I may get to believe it

VG x

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to Extremelygrumpy

Oh Vg, this did make me laugh as I have done this myself, I think you are going to do very well hun xxxxxx

Sammicat15 profile image

good for you VG. hope you stick with it. need a diet buddy? am not happy at my weightgain of 8lb since early December, but neither am I surprised by it. it does however make my target of an 8stone loss that much harder!

when I'm behaving, I live on a fruit, raw veg and beans diet, which is very good for energy. I lose about 1lb per week if I keep at it. however, I have the attention span of a gnat and go off the boil if not watched closely.

having a late brekkie of fruit salad & yoghurt (or a smoothie) and then our main meal late afternoon (3 bean salad with diced peppers, celery, apple, onion, sweetcorn, with a light dressing of salad cream & sometimes added tuna or capers) works quite well for us. After a couple of weeks, it can get boring, so we switch it up with a hot meal of fish or meat with roasted veggies or cold meats with coleslaw & toms. we're going to go mostly veggie this year and are pulling together some veggie recipes for use later in the year. Am very lucky that my partner eats absolutely anything, so cooking for him is a doddle. He's also a foodie and used to cook for his family. We take turns in the kitchen, which is a wonderfully refreshiing change from being married to someone for 20 years who thought the kitchen was merely the corridor between the hallway and the garden!

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to Sammicat15

I myself have to lose about 6 stone in all on top of the 7 stone I had already lost, yes I was a real porker a couple of years ago. But once I ahve finished up the Xmas goodies that I know will tempt me I will get back to it and should do okay. I wish everyone well with it xxxxxx

Teddysmum43 profile image

I went back to slimming world a few weeks ago,first weigh in was last week and I only lost half a pound! Pfftttttt. My friend who went with me lost 6.5 pounds. I was pleased for her but gutted for me. Will see what happens at tomorrow's weigh in but to be honest I'm happy just to be back following the plan again and gettin g my eating under control,like you say VG my weight is something I can control andi feel a lot happier for it even with the tiny weight loss.

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to Teddysmum43

To me Teddy it is such a bad idea to do a weigh in every single week, and how you felt just proves my point. If I went every week and only lost a little compared to someone doing anear half a stone, I would be gutted too. I look at it this way, I think a weekly session on eating plans and all is great but a monthly weigh in is more than sufficient. I mean if you went one month and found you had 4 times what you lost in one would you not feel better. Plus we all vary and one perosn could lose 1lb one week and 5lb the next and so on. Far better to be added up monthly I think. And as it happens I think your loss is just as good as anyone elses. Oh and it was a qualified dietician that said it is no good weekly weighing as it cxan be too disheartening for anyone. xxxxx

VG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you find a picture of me lol! :O :P

Oh my goodness you've been peeking lol! :O

Diet going ok, had a few blips owing to hassles within the family (children!), but back on track now and doing well. Not going to weigh myself though as I really don't want to know until I can feel my jeans looser lol!

I am going to keep it up though because I do feel better not eating all the festive nibbles etc.

Missed you VG! xxxx

in reply to

Now where did I stick that wand . . . . . . . . VG come back here this minute!!!!!!!!! :P

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to

traditional Scottish shortbread anyone :-P

pinkblossom profile image

Iv been on weight watchers nearly 2 weeks,had weigh in on Monday and lost 2Ib! Quite pleased with myself but still got another stone and half to go!

Had slight blip today at work,couldn't resist the shortcake with a layer of caramel and topped with chocolate,it was sooo nice!

Having a salad for tea...boring!...xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to pinkblossom

Try a designer salad Pinkblossom. I got bored with salads so quick until my daughter came up with a novel idea. She said 'let me prepare your salad mum' so I left her to it. Now when I have a salad I never had any meat, cheese or anything like that, it is just salad, leaves, tomatoes, radish all that sort of thing. Absolutely no fats on the plate at all. so I was wondering just what she would come up with to get me wanting to eat it. The first one was done in the design of a flag. The next night it was a catherine wheel firework, the next a flower, all so intricate and colourful. she is very artistic so I ashould have expected it. So each night was banned from the kitchen until my salad was done. To say I was excited was an understatement lol. So delicate it could have well put me off wanting to spoil it lol xxxxx

pinkblossom profile image
pinkblossom in reply to Ozzygirl64

Oh how wonderful ozzygirl for your daughter to do that for you,very kind and very thoughtfully done by the sounds of it!

Sounds like you've got a lovely daughter there,could I borrow her,I could do with something more adventurous done to a bit of limp lettuce! Can I have a bit of that traditional Scottish shortbread you mentioned earlier aswel,I sooo love it!...xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to pinkblossom

Lol, no, no Scottish shortbread left lol. Used it all up last night as I started my serious diet today. Hubby was going out tomorrow to get all my salad stuff and raw veg. But the way this snow is coming down it looks like I will be raiding the freezer for frozen veg to do something adventurous with xxxxx

pinkblossom profile image
pinkblossom in reply to Ozzygirl64

No snow here in Devon yet,blowin a Gail outside though,they said snow will be here by morning,with a bit of luck I won't be able to get out my drive so will have to ring in work and say I can't get in!..oh dear what a shame!

Iv cooked 3 really lovely weight watchers meals this week,totally from scratch,I'm really pleased with myself...its not all rabbit food thank goodness,and you still get to have puddings with their pro points...lovin this diet already!lol..xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to pinkblossom

Sounds lovely, the food I mean, but a possible day off work too, heaven for you I bet. But once I get my salad stuff and veggies hardly any fat will pass my lips until all this weight has gone. Sunday hubby wants gammon so I am going to get him to roast it on the rack and then I can have 1 small slice from the middle along with dry roast parnsips and mixed veg. I do not touch puds as such apart from fruit and that is it. Apart from 1 slice of meat a month to show willing as hubby cooks the roast, I will basically be a vegan again. So I am wishing us all luck no matterhow we go about it. xxxxx

maggie61 profile image

I had intended to go back to slimming world Monday but wasn't up to it, hopefully next Monday. Have been trying to follow plan though and have used vibration plate a few times. We are due to go to hubby's annual work party a week Saturday and new dress is a little tight so need to keep at it.

Good luck to everyone, keep going.

Maggie xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to maggie61

Okay I have to ask, what the heck is a vibration plate lol xxxx(and wel done,even if you cannot make iot to every session at least you are still following the plan)

Ozzygirl64 profile image

Itis going a lot better today VG. Yesterday i had 12 chocolate fingers with my hot chocolate and today I only had 11 8-)

Amanda profile image

I'll let you know tomorrow after my weigh in.I lost 5 last week so that's a total of 4 as I put on 1 after Christmas!

copdber profile image

I gained 1/2 st over xmas this is after gaining 2 st last year. I was hoping to start a healthy eating plan after xmas but you know how it goes went into a flair could be fibro or lupus I have both and it's hard to know wich one is flairing. Hubbys idea of cooking is far from healthy. I have a kiddney infection now the antbiotic is killing my tummy so I've been off my food for last two days every so cloud has a silver lining.

Amanda profile image

I got weighed this morning and I've actually lost another 5lb !!! Thats a total of 10lb lost since the week after christmas!

Teddysmum43 profile image

So now I'm even more gutted got weighed yesterday and have lost nothing,zilch. This is just so weird as I did so well with it last year and lost weight most weeks,everyone else seems to be loosing except me :/

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