to have a go. Two days fasting or lower calories than the other five. I think will do more research nd come back to you.
to have a go. Two days fasting or lower calories than the other five. I think will do more research nd come back to you.
No no no no no no puts on her grumpyiest face and wags a kipper at Gins. You are not 100% at the moment and cutting out junk is one thing but near starvation is another even for a couple of days you will throw your body out of whack and be laid up for goodness knows how long and I shall be abandoned...... Throws herself at Gins feet... Oh rats there's a kipper in your new cup of coffee now .... Shall I just give up and throw the bread and butter in as well..... Goes off to teach Gins OH the words NO ... NO MAD DIET and EAT sensibly
Yours now very worried
I am also very very grumpy when I first read the title I thought you meant FAST FOOD diet, I was just about to start celebrating
VG x
That's what I thought, too - or 'fast food' as in eat as much as you can as FAST as you can! No such luck, eh?
You're right, tho' VG about faddy diets - the only way to lose weight when you're poorly is slow and gentle.
Umm ... any kippers left? That bread and butter looks good, too!
I was reading about this diet last night, apparently for two days it consists of a 250 calorie breakfast and a 350 calorie dinner with herbal teas and hot water and lemon to boost your metabolism throughout the day.
This type of diet is not a good idea for us bearing in mind the meds we have to take as taking them on an empty tummy (or virtually empty tummy) would not be good for us regarding our stomach lining etc. and could actually make us more poorly.
There seem to be quite a few fasting diets around at the moment, it seems to be the on trend idea right now.
Good advice from Moffy and VG, the only way to sensibly lose weight is to eat sensibly, a little and often is a good idea too. Eat all the right foods, cut out the junk and try to do a bit of gentle exercise. This is the best way. Slow and gentle as Moffy says so rightly.
Usual response here folks - please consult your GP before embarking on any diet in your best interest.
Take care everyone. (((hug))) xxx
Hi Gins.
Fast anything and everything is so attractive isn't it? But I think we can all learn about the dangers of speed from Moffy's exploits on VG's scooter!!
From Libby's description this isn't a complete fast, but I still echo the general sentiment here. Not a good idea to be that radical!
The basic principle of weight loss is to consume less calories than you burn. Breathing, thinking and digestion use calories, so even completely immobile people need some food! The way to lose weight is to either increase calorie burn - exercise, speeding up your metabolic rate, increasing muscle mass - or reducing calorie intake.
In case you're interested, you need to burn 3500 calories more than you consume (approx one mars bar a day for a week) to lose a pound. Similarly, you need to consume 3500 calories more than you use to gain a pound.
The way I see it is this. With fibro, we think slowly, we move slowly, so we lose weight slowly too! Still a great idea to think about your diet, and I hope you find one that works well for you.
Ok I have had a serious ponder and I accept the fast diet is not good for Fibromites we need foo with our meds and tummies being fragile. So I will stick to eating sensibly I am a good girl really Libby I dont just launch the gin rocket of at a crasy angle. I would so love a simple easy answer sighs deeply xgins
Yep we know you're a good girl really Gins, we really do.
I wish I could give you a fast fix solution, I would take it myself to be honest with you, but there is so much risk to our health and we have enough to contend with normally without making ourselves ill through a diet fad that actually could make us worse.
The only way is the old fashioned way, as mentioned above.
Bless you Gins, steer clear of VG, she's into bungee jumping today . . . the mind boggles doesn't it!
(((hug))) xxx
Actually Gins you are too much fun on here for us to lose you being ill by trying a faddy diet..
So join us slow burners losing a little each week
PS I,m not bungee jumping I,m just shoving moffs off the platform with a long length of knicker elastic.. Can,t do it to Libby as she can fly
VG x
Thank goodness I can fly, well fly with a thud! Poor poor Moffy . . . .
I am afraid knicker elastic does not have enough ping it would need to high tnstile rubber to move me, Oh Moffy Vg does have it in for you I have just got a lady to come clean me up once a week Hurrah what a weight of my back
God gracious Gin, are you made woman? we have so little to be able to have to starve yourself is a no no. eriously now not a good idear as need all the vitamins and some carbs to maintain the health we do have xx