The comfort of a new friend - a puppy... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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The comfort of a new friend - a puppy - Happy New Year everyone!

Sarah-Jane profile image
25 Replies

In August we lost our Cocker Spaniel to Cancer. That was so painful, I became depressed and found it very hard to work. The idea of another dog took hold and the convincing of my husband began. Only the hope that he would come around kept me going. Oh how I ached in my heart and physically. Finally he agreed, I found a puppy which needed less walking but sweet in nature.

On the 21st December I picked up my Cavalier King Charles spaniel, tri colour, and she was 10 weeks old. Such a dear little face with diamond shaped eyebrows in a black and white face. Such a dear little thing, I found myself sitting on the floor playing with her, my aches and pains have disappeared like magic - well almost.

But my focus is on her and her needs, she has a way to go before she is house trained for instance, but she only wants to please and is very confused. I mean, when she tiddles on the paper she gets praise, but on the carpet none. Her little face looks up at me expecting praise but I have to disappoint her. She will get it one day. Anyway she made Christmas for me, being a constant distraction and a delight with the grandchildren - though she is so delicate they have to be gentle.

Just stroking her fur as she nods off on my shoulder - [her favourite safe place], sooths me and calms me. I even had a row and appologised far sooner than ever before. She makes me smile and think of her, not my aches and pains.

I recommend getting a pet if you can. Even a guinea pig as they have character and can be kept indoors.

I am so pleased to have my little puppy, and now I learn I am to be a Nan to another little baby due 4th of July 2013!!

Happy New Year everyone!

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Sarah-Jane profile image
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25 Replies
hamble99b profile image

so pleased for you Sarah - Jane! :)


Mdaisy profile image

Hi Sarah Jane,

We have a very similar situation, as we lost our Cavi in October he was a boy blenheim 8 yrs. Myself and my partner miss him terribly. However not to replace him but to have a dog back in the house we decided to get a boy Tri puppy, ready on the 4th january. Only I've been naughty and fell in love with a Blenheim girl too. So, oopsie looks like we are getting a brother & sister!!!

I am so excited , I love Cavalier King Charles spaniels.

Keep me posted how your little pup pup is doing

Happy New Year


Ginsing profile image

Hi Sarah - Jane,

How marvelous to have a new friend :) you sound so happy! My friends went to kennels for Christmas while I was away but now I go to get them home today :) lots of cuddles very good for us! Happy New Year xgins

What a wonderful story to share "Thankyou" what wonderful news, and i can understand about having a dog, their part of the family, (sorry for your loss) i'm hoping the memories of the time you shared together is warming to you when you think of him, and that you can make new ones with this new addition to your family. Congratulations on the upcoming birth of another Grandchild this is going to make a big difference in your life so 2013 is looking up for you, wishing you well, Happy New Year.x

jaov profile image

Hi sarah-jane congrats on your new puppy and happy new year i think i would be lost without my dog she helps to calm me i initially got her due to my daughters fear which was at that point including cats too within 24 hours of santa bringing holly my daughters fear of animals had gone holly is now 4yrs old

Jo61 profile image

What a lovely story. I can picture him falling asleep on your shoulder. We have a similar situation here although my babies are ferrets! They are totally dependant on me for everything and they really keep me going. Without them, I would find it very difficult to motivate myself to even get out of bed in the morning. They are love and cuddles wrapped in fur. Pets are very therapeutic and I definitely recommend them as a motivator and encouragement to keep moving! Enjoy your lovely boy x

Hilly profile image
Hilly in reply toJo61

I totally agree, I to have ferrets, 8 in total and they are all my baby's , they keep me goin as they totally depend on me , but they give me back so much . I also have 2 dogs an 3 cats and love them just as much , my animals are my life, and my lifeline , I really don't think I would be here anymore if it wasn't for them!!!!! Hilly xx

Cat53 profile image

We are the same we had three mini schnauzers, over the past three years two of them died. In October it was our ruby wedding anniversary. We bought ourselves a puppy. A cockerpoo. His name is Max and he has given us such joy. He makes us cry with laughter with his antics. Mandy our remaining schnauzer has started playing again. Its lovely.

Pennie1 profile image

Hi Sarah-Jane, I've just read your post and I'm so happy for you !!!! Dogs are the best tonic !!!! I'm sitting up in bed and my little princess is lying next to me, she is a 4yr golden cocker spaniel, she is my constant companion, I'd be lost without her, I also have a 5yr old black cocker spaniel boy called Henry and he is always by my side but today because my husband is at home he's downstairs with him. You will receive so much love of her, I firmly believe nothing is better than the never wavering love and devotion xxx

Teddysmum43 profile image

Awwwww how lovely! I just adore dogs and am totally gaga over puppies. I have four dogs,a patterdale cross,a whippet lurcher,a pug and a chihuahua who also sleeps on my shoulder. It can be stressful sometimes but they give me so much love and make me laugh and get me through the harder days. Enjoy your new little one!

peppersoo profile image

I remember last year this time, I was so excited....I had decided to get a puppy a few weeks beforehand and was going to collect her on New Year's Eve. She was just ready to leave her mum and when I brought her home I found out she was only six weeks old. I was cross that she had been taken away too soon but she was such a sweet little thing and was so good. I bought a special toilet tray for her called a 'Rascal' and she learned to use it immediately, we did of course have some accidents but not many and she still uses it today as I live in a flat and due to the fibro I'm not alway up to taking her out. She has been a constant joy and sits on my lap sleeping of an evening. She is a bichon frise cross chihauhau and is only small, more like the chihauhau in size. I rescued a kitten when she was five months old and they are the best of friends, their antics amuse me and sitting stoking one or sometimes both is a pure pleasure and so relaxing. I'm sure your little pup will bring you just as much pleasure and I know she helps me to get out and about in the summer, where I might normally have stayed at home. My little girl is called Tiarre Mimosa, Tia for short, what did you call your baby?

adapting profile image
adapting in reply topeppersoo

hello, how lovely your little rascal sounds

i've been thinking of getting a little dog as now i'm in a lot on my own

upon research of dogs that won't necessarily need walking and less chance of causing allergies i came up with a toy chihauhau

some sites say they can have a tendency to 'yap' which would drive me insane as i'm badly affected by noise

your's sounds like a delight though, and the cat. my flat is massive but it's a communal garden and the dog wouldn't have direct access but i guess you wouldn't let such a little fella out by himself

peppersoo profile image
peppersoo in reply toadapting

I understand what you are saying about a small dog that doesn't need a lot of exercise but a toy chihauhau would be very expensive. Pure bred dogs also have a tendency to have health problems where as a cross breed or Hybrid as they are known are on the whole very healthy and a lot less expensive. Maybe look at a chihuahua crossed with something else small. like a bichon, lasso apso, chitzu or a toy poodle, even a jack rusell. I got Tia from Gumtree and she was £350 and worth every penny. Good luck and I hope you find a little companion. v

anbuma profile image

hello Sarah -Jane

so sorry for the loss of your dog.i lost mine xmas 2006 it broke my heart btu I had another dog who needed me which helped me thru the bad times.i now just remember the good times with him and what a wonderful companion he was. I adopted another dog from the local rescue centre a year later and they are there fro me 24/7.congratulations on becoming a nan again.

nannasos profile image

I agree with the many comments about pets being a joy and helping us in so many ways. We have always had two dogs but in July this year we lost Molly at just seven years old when her kidneys failed. Two months later we were told our cocker spaniel Barney was suffering from heart failure and I was devastated. Like Jessam I have fibro and arthritis and my hubby said I couldn't cope with another dog especially as I have become very depressed, but I did lots of research and decided a Bassett would be a perfect companion. Last month we picked up Henry, who is a delight and I love him to bits already and he's made such a difference to Barney who is now enjoying being with the puppy as much as I am. Henry is helping my depression too, making me laugh at his antics.

Sarah-Jane profile image
Sarah-Jane in reply tonannasos

I am so sorry you have suffered such a blow, to lose two dear friends, part of the family I am sure. I have so many happy memories I look at Roxies picture every day and have got myself a memorial china tree decoration from Snapfish. I have each cat and two of Roxie. It is really sad, and I still talk to her and sought her understanding and help with this puppy. I have no idea whether she can listen, but it comforts me to think she might hear.

The pain I felt at losing Roxie was very strong, more than I have ever experienced over any animal.. She was a part of me, my life saver as she made me live, move on, do things. She will never be forgotten.

But the hole she left, the space she left, had to be filled. I desperately needed Daisy, and since she has arrived I have not doubted that original feeling once.

Even the cats are coming round.

Bless you.

irishlady76 profile image

Hi there Sarah jane what a lovely story i lost my little friend Bobby a Shihtzu 5 weeks ago and I am still heartbroken I miss him so much he was only 4 years old but became ill and I had to make the awful decision to have him put to sleep and I have cried almost every day over him.

I want another dog but wonder if i would ever love another one the same Bobby had such character. I think in time I will get one but its lovely to hear the joy in your message and yes my fibro has been much worse since he has gone so happy new year to you and I wish you many years of joy with your new member of the family xxx

Sarah-Jane profile image
Sarah-Jane in reply toirishlady76

Thank you, and I am sorry to hear you have suffered a loss too. You will never, ever, find a replacement for Bobby, but you can love another dog and create a strong bond and relationship with them. Everything will be different. Consider whether another breed would suit your circumstances, but if not, a different colour? Then you won't make the mistake of trying to find a replacement, because you will always be let down.

Bobby will always be with you in your memories. When you get another dog, enjoy their individuality and create new memories. We usually live longer than they do and memories are so important before they leave us. Sorry, I hope that doesn't read wrong.

Take care of yourself until it is time to find a new companion. xxx

Saskia profile image

So lovely to hear about your little puppy, Sarah Jane. I can imagine the comfort that she gives you especially when she is up on your shoulder. How cute she must be.

Animals are wonderful companions. We have 2 cats and 2 rescue dogs. We did have 3 cats but sadly we lost my old girlie in September. I still miss her very much.

Have you heard of the Ralph Site? It is a lovely site for people who have lost their beloved pets. I have found it such a help and comfort. You can put a memorial of you pet on there. It might help you with the grief you feel for your cocker spaniel.

My OH and I walk our dogs every day but, if I am having a bad flare, then my OH will take them to the fields on his own. As so many people have said above, pets give us all the motivation to keep going because we have to care for them. Also they are just such so loving and bring so much joy into our lives. People who don't like animals or who don't own pets are missing out on so much.

I am SO PLEASED for you that you have given another little dog a wonderful home. She will bring you so much comfort. I wish you many long and happy years together.

Happy New Year. Love and hugs Saskia XX

Sarah-Jane profile image
Sarah-Jane in reply toSaskia

Thank you Saskia, I have now found the site and will have a look.

I lost my old cat at Easter, but she was 21 and in pain so we had her put to sleep. I got a kitten a week later. It seems calous to some, but I felt Wisky had had enough and wanted to sleep forever. We have buried her in the garden and I have placed a diamond shaped crystal over her as a memorial. I have lovely photos of her, one sitting in a flower pot 'growing' another in a kids pram under a blanket! She is missed but there was no pain for me. Saying that, I still had to fill her space and be distracted.

Pixie is part Maine Coon and formed a wonderful relationship with Roxie. They played and slept together. She was lost when Roxie was gone. How do you explain to them? I am hoping she calms down enough to let Daisy become a friend.

We shall see.

Thank you

Ozzygirl64 profile image

This is such a heart warmong story and I really enjoyed sharing in your happiness so thankyou xxxxx oh And Happy New Year too

It's wonderful the way pets give us unconditional love. They have a healing quality about them which you are now reaping. I am so pleased for you, losing our pets is heartbreaking but around the corner comes a new love. This has lifted my spirits too. A very Happy New Year to you and yours x

Sarah-Jane profile image

As you have always had a dog, your eyes are already open to their needs, but Roxie was only two years old when she died and I had forgotten how much work they are as puppies! Maybe your OH would be happier if you took on a little dog from a Rescue place, which has already passed the little accidents stage? Then there is little arguement against it.

My Daisy has already got me playing on the floor, my Bursitis has vanished or appears to have done, and my arthritis is forgotten. I know, I am still taking my meds, so thanks to them and Daisy I am currently comfortable.

In support of your idea, Daisy has lifted my spirits so much, to see the love in her eyes is wonderful. If she does something that frightens her or she wants to show me something, she comes tearing in and tries so hard to leap on my lap. I have caught her a couple of times!

Good luck. Just make sure you are prepared. xxx

Sarah-Jane profile image

Thank you, everyone, for your kind replies and comments. I am sorry to learn others have suffered too, but that shows how they open our hearts and sooth our fears and worries. These animals just give love and ask for little in return.

Bless them all. The ones with us and the ones who have left memories with us. I feel that Roxie was sent to me at a time that I needed her most. I developed FM a year after she came and her presense helped me by making me get up to look after her. I felt I could not just lay in bed feeling bad, I had to come down to keep her company!

Bless you all, including your furry companions/friends/family

flickels profile image

Hi i have got three King Charles Spaniels, Brandy who's a ruby, Charlie who is a tri & Ginny who's a black & tan. I wouldn't be with out them, they are so loving. We also have Ginny a Sibiran Huskie, she also loving & she's so loving. Does your puppy snore yet? Mine are window rattlers but i would not be with out them! They are all girls. 4yrs ago my Flickles died, she was my baby, a blenham. I had to hand feed her but that did't bother me, & was always on my lap. Good luck with your pup. Flickles

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