humming. My daughter and grandson came to look after me while I recover and wow they lighten the mood I just feel like retreating to bed to hide. Nonsence cannot do that need to shake myself and turn around how I feel so I am more positive!
I just feel so exhausted from the early part of the week so many parts hurt.............Will the sun break through today? They say it will be cold and snowy that means the fire gets lit and crumpets for tea how wonderful is that. Toasting fork to the ready and wicked butter yum yum,
Today I have to let my daughter do things for me - pick things up - bend to cupboards all manner of little things that I should not do and yet I tend to try to yes you have realized I am a positive tryer at it does me no good at the moment, when the back recovers it will be a different matter.
Takes care friends xgins