I received a letter on Saturday,the dreaded brown envelope of a renewal decision for my dla. Oh my days,it took me an hour to pluck up the nerve to open it,I started reading and couldn't believe the words I was seeing.I have been in receipt of dla for 4 1/2yrs,firstly low rate,then as my health deteriorated I was awarded middle rate care and high rate mobility.I have been receiving this for the last three yrs. I have seen so many people on here commenting on their renewal status's that I have had to let you all know,there is hope. My claim has been renewed for a further two years at the middle care and high mobility rate. To all of you that have been refused,please pick up the courage to go to a tribunal if need be.I hope you all have a comfortable New Year,gentle hugs to all xx
Relief!!: I received a letter on... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

It is so nice to hear some good news for a change. I am dreading the time it all changes to PIP and we ALL have to start all over again. Well done hun xxxxx and Happy New Year
those already on dla past 2015 will not be tested for pip until after mid 2015.
Well I was awarded indefinitely many years ago so I am owndering if I will be one of the after mid 2015 ones. And my daughter too indefinitley awarded in October last year. I wish I knew how it was all going to work out xxxxx
Hello Mumbean,
I am so happy for you, it's always nice to hear some good news where DLA is concerned and Im very pleased for you.
Unfortunately just before christmas my brown envelope brought me bad news - a DLA refusal, did a telephone reconsideration, don't really know what to do next. Have made contact with a benefits rights group but the whole thing is very stressful as I also have a bowel condition (UC).
We continue to suuffer 24/7 but your good news has put a smile on my face.
Good luck to you all and a happy new year.
well done Mumbean!
thankyou for sharing your good news.
scruffybabe email admin for he benefits & work info.