Hi i sometime get hot flushes when im standing fof to long or walking and when it happens my body over heats which causes me to faint. And also very sensitive to heat and cold
Has anyone with fibromyalgia experien... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Has anyone with fibromyalgia experience hot flushes and fainting episode? ??????

Hi rari82
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I am so sorry to read that you have been experiencing these problems, and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to these issues.
I have read posts from many members who also suffer the issues that you have mentioned here. Two weeks ago there was a similar question to this and it received a number of really good replies, so I have pasted a link to this below. I sincerely hope that you find it useful.
I have also pasted a link to the FibroAction website in case you have not seen this, it holds a large amount of interesting information which I am sure that you will find very useful.
I sincerely hope that you find some of this information of use. I usually say to members that they should have their problems checked out by their GP as there could be many reasons to experience the symptoms that they have been getting.
All my hopes and dreams for you.
I have real problems with my body temperature. Amytriptiline does go some way to help but I still suffer extremely. My I fluctuate between shivering cold or feeling like I am going to combust. And sometimes even though i feel like my feet are ice block and have the heater on, my top half feels like I am in the sahara and I have to have the fan on me. My utility bill is averaging about £250 per month because of this. And yes, sometimes I feel like I am going to pass out or feel so faint I have to lie down, so I totally understand what you are going through.
Hi rari82, a lot of us struggle with regulating our temperature, including hot flushes. I also have the feinting, but this is down to low blood pressure in my case.
Whilst it does sound like part of Fibro symptoms, I would recommend that you go to your GP, especially about the feinting, just to make sure there's nothing else going on. Xxx
Hi rari82, I asked my doctor about the extreme heat I was feeling, told her that at times I actually thought I was going to pass out. I was told that at 51 it was to be expected and that it was to do with hormonal changes in my body rather than Fibro. I know I am menopausal, but it does sound like a lot of other Fibro sufferers. Like you I can't walk any distance without seriously overheating, backache and leg pains. Sometimes I end up stopping in the street stripping the coat off and hobbling the rest of my journey I have got some very strange looks when it is blowing a gale and I am in my jumper with a coat over my arm :)) but I have decided that's just my life. I am trying HRT at the minute to see if it helps any of the symptoms, not having much luck to be honest. Hope you can get sorted, try your doctor again. Best of luck and my well wished to you ... Susan

Hi Susan thank you for ur reply i was abit scared at first as it was my first time on a fibro site and didn't know what to expect but u have all been good and welcoming and showed me i am not alone. Thank you
Hi would like to thank everyone who took the time to reply to my post. This is my first time talking about my fibro ilness. I have been suffering for over 3 years and my gp was not taking me serious they treated me as if i was going crazy and imagining my pain they just keep sending me back it only end of last year they finally referred me to the rhumatology where they dignosed me with fibro on the 23 jan 2014. I was starting to think i was going crazy and was starting to think these pain was all in my head. I suffered in silence for 3 years. I started to isolate myself cause i felt no1 understood me and what i was going through it was even coming in between my marriage because felt like my husband didn't understand me and what is was like to be in constant pain even by being touch it hurts, i couldn't do the things i use to do my life was changing and i didn't know why.i had to pretend infront of my family that i was ok especially my kids but deep down i was in agony. I am so glad that you all know what its like for me and understand what i am going through it feels good to know i am not alone. Was just wondering how do you guys cope with it????
I hope this exchange has given you the confidence to continue talking. I cant improve upon Ken's link, but it may be comforting to know fainting is not unusual.
How do I cope.? By being loopy in a sane way. Over the years life has dealt me a rough hand but not as bad as some I've seen. So I turned into a human terrier and took it by the throat and laughed at it. I have few friends in the real world as my experience is the same as yours. The few I can really relate to are as ill or worse than me. I got a lot of inspiration from a late friend who had cancer. I kind of changed priorities and worry less about things that wind up other people.
gentle hugs from this brilliant forum never go amiss.
Hi thank you for ur reply i was abit scared at first as it was my first time on a fibro site and didn't know what to expect but u have all been good and welcoming and showed me i am not alone. Thank you
Good. You have a lot to put up with. I hope the family is not too hard work . Sorry I cant help with the hot flushes!
There's a lot of love and compassion out here and I don't always respond to questions. Sometimes 50 or so is enough, doesn't mean I don't care. We're a great friendly group. Moan, cry ,laugh or just share experience. And there's nearly always someone else awake. Gentle hugs
I feel so good already today is the first time in 3 years that i felt good and not alone i have read alot of the post that have been posted here and it feel good to be able to relate to everyone. I don't feel alone anymore. U all have given me strengh and courage to cope.xxxxx
frequently and it is so much worse when I am having a flare up.
Hi thank you for ur reply i was abit scared at first as it was my first time on a fibro site and didn't know what to expect but u have all been good and welcoming and showed me i am not alone. Thank you
How are you now? Gentle hugs
I am ok struggling with the young ones i got a 11 yr old and a 2 yr old and 1 year old and we all got the flu and my body is hurting 100 times more but i got to be strong for my girls
Oh, bless you. Yes I did look up your profile . . bad badger. Zebedee has a cave of healing fluffies, location secret. I'm sure she'll send you all some. Share some of the photos with the girls. Foggy's are hilarious. Might be a way in to explain how you feel. It's hard enough with adults but children are a bit more resilient. Gentle hugs. for all through a facemask
Oh, is your pain under good control, and yes, sleep problems, too. If you remind me I'll pass on some tips. Emma has plenty but I've found a bit of a system.
My pain is not under control was taking 50mg tramadol and 30mg codine and pregabetin but not helping got my first appointment at the pain clinic on the 10th march
Ouch. Hope you can hold out till then. I'm on paacetamol and codeine from other problems and on 40mg Amitriptyline for this. still waiting for it to settle. Not expecting to be completely pain free tho'. The ami kind of helps but not completely effective.
I use progressive muscle relaxation, you might find that less easy in a busy household. Banana just before bed and all the standard sleep clinic winding down strategies. Hot milky drink helps sometimes, and lavender pillow but not when there are fluffies about. If I'm not sleepy after PMR I'll listen to Sherlock Holmes on tape - yes still use cassettes Usually works but not for long. Keep getting up in the night.
I often wonder how much memory or floating sensation is fibro and how much pure insomnia.
Do u all have sleep problem and memory problem?? I have been very forgetful and my mind goes blank i am sometime not aware of things and find it hard to focus.
Oh yes rari, yes I suffer with memory probs.. etc. I've also been told by my gp that my hot flushes are menopause, I turned 50 last year, have been told to stoptaking the Pill to see if my monthlies have stopped - really hope they have, but really dont want to run the risk of my 'fortnightlies' returning! Hope u get good results with ur meds, gentle hugs, Julie.
Hi julie i went to the gp though i was going through early nenopause but go said i cant have it at 30 but they didn't have any answers to what was causing the hot flush and fainting episode so they decided to do a test for menopause but it came negative. My bp has been a little high not sure is thats wats causing it. I wish it would stop because i am sometime afriad to go out incase i get those hot flush and faint in the street wheni am with my girls.
Hello Rari82,
I experience the same symptoms, please see this post for more discussion
Hope it helps
FibroAction Administrator
Hi rari
I cannot expand on the advice given but can recommend fitting some relaxation time into your daily routine to help with the pain.
Here is a link to a couple of my posts which I think you might like
I hope these are useful for you, please don't be afraid to ask me any questions regarding my posts and let me know how you get on
I'm sending a big basket of healing and pain busting fluffies your way to help you all get through the flu

Thanks Sian xxxxx
I don't know, you're a terrier, a badger, are you sure you are on the right site there's probably one out there somewhere for bipolar animals.
Sorry rari82 i was talking to fenbadger not you. No insult at all !
No probs, Shazzzy.