Lets hope this works
My hair & nails: Lets hope this works - Fibromyalgia Acti...
My hair & nails

Oh wow - and to think I was proud of my gold sparkly polish! Xxxx
Maybe I should go out and get a gold glitter spray for mine ... They do
Hair mascara like that don't they! Wonder if work would let me... Hmmmm
Nice one , I remember walking into school where I taught one day with my hair streaked black brown blonde and red, the kids loved it the head teacher was a little less enthusiastic but she didn't complain,
VG x
She would have a hard job when it was done. Next time i will have a bit more blonde in it as well as the colours.xx
Hi Sylvi 'goes with your nails the sparkle hehe.
Ohh loving them that Gold is very very in at minute.
My dauggter 22 yes old well i get all her friends round and all glam girls and upto date with style, image & nails.
Your hair is lovely colour too ! I am adventorous or was just not been doing much lately.
I am black at minute as in pic as i naturally dark but love colour changing.
Had one false nail on yesterday with diamaties on but never lasted long D'oh ..
Ohh you are so glam n glitz intime for xmas so no washing up in them now 'gloves'
Wishing you much happiness for christmas xxxxx
Caroline x
As a child, I was sick most of the time, I spent my sick days doing my nails, My mom thought I was trying to get high off the acetone. I just liked the way they looked. Somehow they just made me feel better
Very glamorous, took me ages to spell that lol xxxxx
Ladies, Ozzygirl,don't worry about the spelling the meaning is there. Itsmagic i feel for you as a young child as i used to be off school during the winter a lot as i used to suffer from chest infections a lot. Those days though you used to have the school inspector track you down if you were off more than a week.
Caroline, there's nothing like getting the younger generation for ideas. My daughter is 28yrs and she will tell me if something doesn't suit me and she will do my nails as a rule,but when it comes to my feet it is my hubby who does those for me.
Thank you all for your knd comments on my hair and nails and i wish you all a colourful christmas. Sylvi.xxx
Wii..wooooo....very nice. I've put my stubby half chipped nail to shame! Xx