day before yesterday i got really ill and everytime i take tramadol i itch all over does anyone else have this reaction? i was out of it allday i think there was something else going on too becuase i was babling and running temps and at the end of it threw up for england ...amazing how one slice of pizza goes so far!!!lol! i am however getting worked up for my visit from the doc on the 28th i dont know why becuase the only thing im able to claim is my pension payments gov one thats what there coming for to see if they can find anyway to stop that!!lol! other than that i live off my private pension which is 670 after tax! is there any other things i could be claiming i got turned down for dla and esa becuase i have savings that i wanted for a deposit to put down on a flat of my own i dont want to spend it becuse it wont last forvever i feel all the time so stressed about my future and whats going to happen to me i have just invested in a bed stick becuase im finding it hard to get out of bed and constantly wake up in the night moving with pain i also took advice from here and bought a mattress topper mamory foam one which is taking some getting used to but has helped !
i get confused about what im allowed and i know you can get the benefits form but my brain gets in such a muddle reading it i put it down again and sit worrying dont really know where to turn and if i call them and they ask me can i walk here and there my pride and truth comes in adn i say oh no im fine! when im not at times
sorry for wineing! and spelling!!
tramadol:(: day before yesterday i got... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I occassionally get the tramadol itches. I take it most days and it only happens ocassionally. Maybe it was a combination of the tummy bug that's going round and the tramadol. Email the fibroaction website they have some good advice on claiming benefits.
thanx suzy xx
Tramadol is a nightmare for me.... It GiVES me a banging headache and no pain relief...
hope you feel better soon
VG x
thanx vg! i dont think il take them again seond time ive tried there not for me ! xxx
I started taking tramadol for the first time last Friday,I have had a constant headache since,so this morning when I woke up with a headache I didn't take any and took a co-codomol instead and have a had a couple more today,my headache has gone,I'm going to try and take them again after Xmas and if the headaches returns I shall let the Dr know that I won't be taking them again..xx
I started taking tramadol for the first time last Friday,I have had a constant headache since,so this morning when I woke up with a headache I didn't take any and took a co-codomol instead and have a had a couple more today,my headache has gone,I'm going to try and take them again after Xmas and if the headaches returns I shall let the Dr know that I won't be taking them again..xx
I started taking tramadol for the first time last Friday,I have had a constant headache since,so this morning when I woke up with a headache I didn't take any and took a co-codomol instead and have a had a couple more today,my headache has gone,I'm going to try and take them again after Xmas and if the headaches returns I shall let the Dr know that I won't be taking them again..xx
I started taking tramadol for the first time last Friday,I have had a constant headache since,so this morning when I woke up with a headache I didn't take any and took a co-codomol instead and have a had a couple more today,my headache has gone,I'm going to try and take them again after Xmas and if the headaches returns I shall let the Dr know that I won't be taking them again..xx
I often get itchy legs - it might be the tramadol, it might not - but I get some relief from E45 anti-itch cream.
I start feeling really ill if I forget to take a dose. I must be addicted. I don't get a "high" but I can't function at all without it.