hi all fellow suffers just wanted to share my news with you al,l as ur posts have really answered a lot of questions i had about my own fibro,so many thanks to you all x have not been on in a while as i only have a tablet and its so annoying to use but today i have the use of a laptop
for years i refused to take tablets for my fibro i either took to the bed or suffered in silence,been a single mother of 5 was my motivation to get out of bed in the mornings but as you all no its bloody tough going not only phyiscally but mentally to,A few months ago i had a bad flare let me explain(hope i dont bore yous lol) up 3 nights with no sleep cause all i did was scratch from the tips of my toes to my head it was mental cause it was never during the day then it suddenly stopped, then my jaw started the pain was unreal worse than previous episodes then that suddenly stopped after 5 nights,then my legs started that lasted on and off for 2 weeks i was exhausted at this stage,then my hip my fingers my shoulder my knee,all i was short of doing was moving in with my doctor i was like a bleeding yoyo thank god im blessed with the doctor i have im 1 of the lucky ones, he was the one that put a name to what i though was pure madness going on in my head for years he actually went back as far as when i was 14 my 4yr old sister was killed in front of me they say fibro is linked to childhood stress,as much as i hate this illness at least it has a name now,
so after 3 months of bad flare up i finally fell apart in my doctors surgery he said "mary your going to have to take something " i only work 4 hours a day and after work i was going to bed thats all i was fit for my quality of life was a mess i have 2 grandsons who i could not enjoy so the rebel in me caved in lol and im so happy it did, my amazing doc put me on 3 tramadol a day 50mg, 3 gabepentin 300mg and 3 inderal 10mg gas for some one that hated taken tablets im on enough of them lol i remember reading every thing on every tablet that was out there for fibro but thanks to fibrofog i forget lol i no its trial and error and every one is diff,but i feel like a 44yr old should now cause i felt 90 and i was so scarred of what way i was going to end up there is no point in been a dead marther lol dont get me wrong im not doing back flips and sommersaults but im doing normal every day to day living some days better than others and for the first time in yrs im sleeping for 6 hours straight as u all no fibro or not sleep is everything just to function alone,well i hope i did not put u to sleep as i can go on lol but i wanted to share this with you in case my story can help any 1 in any way at all
regards mary xx