Feel dreadful and sore throat but sho... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Feel dreadful and sore throat but should I bother going to see my GP?

16 Replies

I feel worse than usual and have done for weeks now, has anyone else noticed they've felt worse recently? I always have a sore throat but it is really bad and my chest is very sore, pain in my muscles and joints is really bad too.

16 Replies
jacksie profile image

If i were you to be on the safe side ,as you may have a bad chest book an appointment,it wont do any harm,if it is your chest you need antbiotics,i wouldn't let that one slip if i were you.jacksiex.

in reply to jacksie

Thanks Jacksie, I have booked an appt for Fri morning. I hate going to see him as usually there's nothing he can do and I feel as if I'm wasting his time but I will get checked out x

pinkblossom profile image

Iv just come home from work early because I feel awful aswell,I'm just having a hot lemon with honey drink then I'm taking myself off to bed with my hot water bottle,there are loads of bugs going around at the moment,I feel like my heads going to exsplode! It's difficult to know whether to go Drs,but if your feeling really bad then maybe you should go,sounds like your worse than me,and if you've felt like this for weeks then you may need something from the Dr,I think this weather is effecting all of us fibro suffers,my muscles and joins have got a lot worse,I think you should make yourself an appointment,there's no harm in doing it,I do hope you feel better soon...Julie x

in reply to pinkblossom

Thanks Julie, yes I do feel awful but as you say the fibro symptoms definitely seem worse with this very cold weather. I've made an appt for Fri to get checked out and I will ask about painkillers too. Hope you start to feel better soon too, take care x

pinkblossom profile image
pinkblossom in reply to

Hi Sarah

Iv just woken up from my little sleep,I feel a bit better for it,I'm so glad to hear you've made an appointment,and as you've said to i know you probably feel like your waiting your Drs time,but you mustn't think like that,you sound really bad and its best to get checked out,maybe you should write a little list of all thats wrong so as not to forget including all the little things that's bothering you,let us know how you get on,take care...Julie xx

vikki profile image

the dreaded flu bug...I would go to gp just to be on the safe side as it sounds like it is on your chest, butin the mean time get a measuring jug and put 2 table spoons of honey slice a hole lemon up with the peel on table spoon of sugar and a piece of root ginger about 5cm in and then fill the jug with boiling water add a little more sugar to sweeten if you have a sweet tooth. drink it through out the day or evening my sister was told by one of those chinese herbalist to try it as she had bronchitis and couldnt shift it even with antibiotics, she uses this every time she feels a cold coming on and it helps...worth a try..hope you feel better soon. Vikki xx

San229 profile image

I felt the same way as you a few weeks ago and chose to not go to the Drs. Not that I wan to scare you but I ended up with tonsillitis and worse than that pharyngitis. It was one of the sorest things I have ever experienced, I couldn't even swallow saliva it was like trying to swallow broken glass. So go to the Drs and be on the safe side.....

Hope you feel better soon

S x

It sounds like perhaps it's time to see your GP Sarah, you've had this for quite some time now and you must be struggling with your Fibro on top of all this too. You don't want to risk having a Fibro flare-up which can happen when we get poorly.

Pop along when you can, see your GP and hopefully they can help you. I hope you feel better really soon. Take care and keep warm! (((hug))) xxx


Thanks everyone - I am definitely going to see my GP in the morning and see what he thinks.

It's definitely a fibro flare-up but not sure if there is an infection on top - preffy fed up with feeling so rough, I can't seem to get anything done. Hope everyone else is ok xxx

in reply to

It certainly sounds like it Sarah. I guess the only problem is if you have caught a virus on top because GP's don't prescribe antibiotics for viral conditions. Hopefully they will be able to help you to make you feel better or maybe suggest something that you can buy over the counter.

Hope you feel better very soon! xxx

Ozzygirl64 profile image

You should go and see your GP incase youhave a chest infection. I never try to attribute anything to Fibro unless GP has ruled out everything else. I hope you recover soon no matter what is doing it xxxxx

in reply to Ozzygirl64

Thank you :-) I will be at the drs tomorrow morning at 10am without fail xx

in reply to

That's a good idea, if you need antibiotics, it's best to get them asap to clear up an infection if you have one. Hope you feel better soon, please let us know how you get on Sarah, take care.

(((hug))) xxx


Hi been to the doctors and have tonsillitis AND bronchitis so on some strong antibiotics for the next week. I've cancelled my plans for the weekend which is a shame as it's my Dad's birthday :-(

He also gave me some Naproxen tablets to try and see if they help the fibro pain.

Hope everyone else feels better than I do xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to

Well at least you have some medication and for the fibro too, great news for the meds, not so good news for the tonsils and chest . I hope you get better soon xxxxx

adapting profile image

i also have some kind of bug at the moment, vomitting and diarreaoh, feel very unsteady, i never rest but i spent most of yesterday inbed and hadn't been able to hold any food down yesterday.

this got me wondering, this morning my face is not bloated, i'm not overweight but usually i have a slight swell on the face and always a swollen stomach..anyway it got me wondering what i'm consuming, food and drink that might be adding to my fibro symptons

still feel like ####, very shaky but maybe my system is detoxing a bit?

this bug is pretty awful

hope you feel better soon


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