hi all, flying visit once again.
I'd need a month to bring you up to date - things are moving so fast now!
All of a sudden all of the services want to help me, better late than never! I've been seen by the memory doctor, following a home assessment, they have arranged a scan to see if I have anything inside my head besides cotton wool, I have that on Thursday, then the consultant is coming to see me at home a few days later - sounds a bit ominous to me! I've had OT here, today the physio came & gave me a good looking over, think she was 'orrible cos she made me try to lift, move, bend & stretch every joint, then gave me a telling off cos I was wearing very light slipper sox, told me that I should wear fitted shoes/ slippers to give constant support, she was great but couldn't seem to grasp the fact that swollen ankles, although horrible are preferable to wearing shoes. I almost scream in agony everytime I have to put shoes on. She's also strongly suggested that I use my tri walker when I need to move around, & not sticks, it's a shame though - it was a great thing for throwing my coats on! I think that it's only a pride thing stopping me, I feel really old already, pushing one of those walkers around is like validating it.
Anyway, other news........
My lease here is terminated on Fri 14th Dec & I am moving to Wells for definate! Well, I am now but yesterday I had a real wobble. I had time to kill after seeing the mmemory doctor, before my appointment with my GP, so I sat in the surgery for about 50mins. Of course that gave me thinking time - bad idea! The doctor had asked about family support but as you know there is none here at all so I was mulling this over in my head - by the time I got into the GP I was a snivelling wreck! I won't bore you with details but by the time I got back I'd decided the move was off. Well no, just the flat in Wells. I phoned up & worried my sis-in-law by asking her to put me up while I arranged my move to Exeter! I decided,as I usually do, to trust that I'll be shown what to do by 'the powers of the Universe' Mad maybe, but it works for me. So I phoned about viewing two flats that have been vacant for ages - they've both been taken! That was it - decision made for me!!!
I don't do things by halves. I decided to bring forward my new tenancy, paid over £1000 by phone & pick the keys up next week. I've even cancelled my phone here & to have a new one installed.
All this on top of packing, trying to organize the removal men & not dying of sheer exhaustion!
I can't even rest tomorrow because I've got to see a mental health support worker, which is stupid because I won't be here after next week, then a friend & her dog are coming over for coffee.
I think I'd better go to bed!
BTW huge apologies to those whos private messages I haven't replied to, big grovells, I will be able to catch my breath once I've moved. Roll on 2013 - I'm ready for you!!!!!!!!!
night night Cobweb xxxxx