It has taken a long time for my hubby to get the hang of not buying me completely useless gifts. By that I mean a nice gift, great idea but cannot use because of the fibro. He once bought me a hair kit comprising of a hair dryer(can't hold my arms up long enough to use it and if I try my arm does its own thing and I end up blow dryng the dream catcher hanging from the ceiling), scissors(I shake badly and he wonders why I nearly cut his ear off), and a comb(I have long hair, attacking it with a comb would take me from one Xmas to the next), and then there was the ladyshave(I shake so the vibration of this makes me shake worse and I cannot go in a straight line up my leg and once bent forward cannot get up straight again). So what nice but useless gifts have you had where the fibro says 'oh no you don't? xxxxx
Gifts Fibro will not allow you to use... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Gifts Fibro will not allow you to use.....

A voucher for ten free swimming sessions at our local pool which is very hard for me to get to and the water is so cold my muscles went into spasm when I tried to get in.
VG x
I was given a very expensive sub to a local gym!
I tried ... oh how I tried, but apart from a good gander at the 'buns' on the delicious instructor, no good came of it!
He was very gentle with me (pity!), and in the end, I just used to spend ten minutes on the treadmill ... lowest speed, and hanging on to the handrails ... then off to the coffee bar to socialise.
That bit was pretty good, and made up for the fact that I couldn't walk the next day!
Last year hubby bought me an electric massager. It fits on your own armchair and it has a back ond bottom bit. You plug it in and it has a remote control and you choose your settings and these ball thingys go up and down your back....sounds good hey? NOPE! Its bloody agony! I used it on my birthday for 10 mins or so just to please him then went in the bathroom and had a little weep to myself. He ought to have just pinned my down face first to the floor while a crane above me dropped bricks onto my back, was awful, but seeing his expectant hopeful face waiting for my verdict was too much for me to bear so i had to give a little white lie and gush "Oh my God darling, thats amazing, its just wonderful...oh the relief" hubby then said "Im so pleased, it will help your fibro so much"......needless to say i made sure it got "lost" somewhere in the house and after making excuses for a few weeks about why i wasnt using my oh so helpful gift, no more has been said on the subject.....what a relief! x
Oh charli, what a shame! I use my massager when my back muscles go into spasm, it really helps then, but is no good for "backache" when your bones/discs etc hurt, then I agree it is agony!
Which pain did you try it for?
My hubby usually buys me some nice animal ornament, ( bit predictable!) though we are running out of places to put them! My worst presents from other people have been:-
Bath salts/ bubble baths etc .....I have not been able to get in & out of a bath for about 9yrs!
A box of speciality tea bags from Mum in law...........I don't drink tea!
A six cup & saucer, cream jug, sugar bowl & matching coffee pot wedding present from work colleagues............Yes you've guessed..........I don't drink coffee either!!
About as much use as a chocolate teapot!............Now that would be good......I would EAT it!!!
Gentle hugs xx
It's the thought that counts
I don't drink tea or coffee either but my ex bought me a kettle for Christmas once because he did drink tea and we (or rather he) needed a new one. Then he bought me some hairdressing scissors for my birthday because he needed a haircut. You could say that he put thought into his presents, trouble is he was only thinking of himself I still have the scissors but the kettle and the ex are long gone.
My daughters got me one of those massagers too. Its one where the balls heat up. I cant have it on my neck or top of my back, it really really hurts, but I love it on the base of my spine with the heat on, its wonderful. I also have a heated massage seat in my car. I havent asked for anything this year, wonder what I will get. I know I will ger £50 quid off the other half. That will be swallowed up on some bill or something like that lol