Do you hold a Disabled Badge?
Fibro has many fluctuating symptoms including long term chronic pain & debilitating fatigue, many of us can only manage very short distances before we notice a rapid deterioration in our symptoms. This usually means we take to bed poorly for a few days to recover!
Many people living with Fibro need to use a Disabled Badges to manage to undertake simple daily tasks like shopping, attending Doctors appointments etc If this sounds like you, why not think about applying for a Disabled Badge under the Blue Badge Scheme ?
There has been recent discussion here on our Fibroaction HealthUnlocked Community about Disabled Badges & about raising awareness to the General Public. As many have little to no understanding about Fibro & how hard it can be to live with, hence many wonder why do we need to use a Disabled Badge?
Why not, print out our Disabled Badge Holder(DBH) notice to display? So when you're out & about, displaying this notice we thought this might be a great opportunity to raise awareness about Fibro & FibroAction. The notice is bright to grab people's attention and if just one person finds the information & support they need for Fibro because you've displayed it, it's got to be worth it!
If you would like to display this Disabled Badge Holder notice on your dashboard alongside your disabled badge we would appreciate it. If it makes a small difference & just one more person understands Fibro a little more it all helps!
Please print the Disabled Badge Holder notice below & continue to help us raise awareness of Fibro.
Invisible illnesses cannot be seen, therefore we need to encourage understanding by using written or spoken word. Let's hope this small jesture can help increase knowledge of Fibro and gain support for our cause.
All the best
FibroAction Administrator