How do you get on when the fibro fog ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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How do you get on when the fibro fog clears?

Ozzygirl64 profile image
39 Replies

My fibro fog is pretty bad from time to time like everyone elses on here, and some days I cannot string a reply together, let alone a blog. But tonight I seem to have had an epiphany lol. So sorry if I have filled the pages up. But do you have a better go at doing things when your head is a bit clearer? xxxxx :-)

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Ozzygirl64 profile image
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39 Replies
bumblebee57 profile image

Hi Ozzy, Happy new year. Im fogged every day, it never seems to clear. I go through every day as if its a dream, all fuzzy with that far away feeling. Yesterday, I went to look at a bungalow that had been advertised by the council for bidding on. I met a lady there and got chatting about the area, and she asked me "Where do you live now". I couldnt remember!! I was going to say the place i lived at before where i live now, I knew that was wrong but I couldnt remember where i live now. Got there in the end but she must have thought i was nuts. I think thats what i find most annoying, forgetting the small things that matter. I love my music (as u know) and I used to be able to tell u who sang a song, when it was released and what record label it was on etc. Now, I cant remember who sang a song that i play all the time and have been playing forever. Thats upsetting. When i was with my ex, who i was with for 8 years, I forgot his surname once, when someone asked me. Ive never had a good memory, but theses days its almost non existant. Frustrating.......

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to bumblebee57

Yeah hun, all my days are like that but just for that hour or so last night I was okay, in pain but head was a bit clearer than usual. I know what you mean about forgetting things. You kknow how Ozzy mad I am and the other day I was listening to a song, knew all the words but could not remember what it was called. When I forget the title of an Ozzy song, then it is seriously serious. Anyway it turned out to be CRAZY TRAIN lol xxxxxx

bumblebee57 profile image
bumblebee57 in reply to Ozzygirl64

It makes u SOOOOOO mad doesnt it. But its good to know its the Fibro making us like that and we're not just on the CRAZY TRAIN,lol.xx "ROCK AN' .....ummm......SOMETHING !!.......SHARONNNNNN". LMAO.xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to bumblebee57

rflmao :-)

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to bumblebee57

I have an Ozzy talking head that shouts that lol with a few more expletives in it xxxxx

bumblebee57 profile image
bumblebee57 in reply to Ozzygirl64

Have been known to ******* "explete" a bit my*******self on the odd ******* occasion,lol. "YOURE ALL F****** MAD BUT I LOVE YOU ALL" !!! xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to bumblebee57

Yep it says that too lol xxxx My pride and joy in my collection xxxxx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to bumblebee57

I have the talking dolls of the whole family too xxxxx

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to bumblebee57

I was talking to someone and forgot his name. it was my brother!

I was also trying to tell someone I had recorded a tv prog to dvd by having to say that I'd got "one of those electric things like you have in a computer and put one of those round things in to put it on" hard work but he got it!

to think I've been to uni! sandra.

bumblebee57 profile image
bumblebee57 in reply to hamble99b

We have to spread Fibro awareness more, so people know we're not bonkers, dont we, hahahaha :)

I use a far infra thermal cocoon which detoxes. I've had days where I actually wake up. My head clears. Its wonderful.

It's not there all the time though. When the fog returns I actually feel depressed for the first time since this all started 15 years ago.

I now know why Gp's think we're depressed.

I really hate the brain fog. Its so embarrassing losing words mid sentance. Really good to know it may be reversable eventually x

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to

I think the fog has to be the most embarrassing thing, well for me anyway. But I also find falling over due to poor balance embarrassing as well as painful. So those two things are my main problems right now xxxxx

bumblebee57 profile image
bumblebee57 in reply to Ozzygirl64

( I FOUND THIS THE OTHER DAY. FOUND IT INTERESTING AS IVE NEVER HAD GOOD BALANCE )You may feel more steady on your feet with fibromyalgia one day, while your movement can be way off-balance the next day. When clumsiness strikes, your legs start clipping the edges of furniture and your shoulders knock against the walls. It’s like being in a pinball machine, except you don’t get any bonus points for the extra bruises!

What makes your fibromyalgia body more wobbly some days than others? According to a study by Nuray Akkaya, M.D., and his research team in Turkey, your quality of sleep the night before plays a major role in how well you navigate movements the next day.* But sleep was not the only factor he found that was related to the potential for balance mishaps in people with fibro.

Akkaya compared the postural stability (e.g., balance) of 48 fibromyalgia patients and 32 healthy controls. The body mass index, which is a relative indicator of excess weight, was the same for both groups. The average age was also the same for each group (around 34 years old), so the participants were quite young. No one was on a sedating medication or a drug that might interfere with postural stability testing.

A balance testing system was used to produce a value for the relative fall risk for each person in the study. The fall risk computed for the fibromyalgia group was double that of the healthy control group.

Subjects stood on a platform that measured the relative pressure exerted by each foot when they were asked to modify their standing position, such as neck turned to the right or eyes closed. A person challenged by these simple changes will have more postural sway, meaning one foot presses down harder on the platform. It sounds easy, but many fibromyalgia patients found these tasks to be difficult.

Obviously, a person’s leg function can help keep a sturdy, upright posture when changing positions. Each participant’s lower-body muscle strength was measured along with their ability to stand on one leg. Questionnaires were used to assess various symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, and overall function.

“Postural performance was worse in the fibromyalgia patients compared to the control subjects and it was related to the severity of fatigue and sleep quality in the last 24 hours,” says Akkaya. “Fall risk was found to be related to lower-body strength and scores for the one-leg stance test.” However, the duration of fibro, rating of pain, overall function, and quality of sleep for the past week (not just the previous night) were NOT related to balance in the fibromyalgia patients.

Although all subjects with vestibular-related symptoms, such as ringing in the ears and dizziness, were excluded from the study, vestibular system abnormalities were still detected in the fibromyalgia group. In addition, the sensory signals from the feet (which inform the brain about your stance) and postural reflexes also might contribute to balance disturbances.

“There is no single mechanism that can account for postural instability in fibromyalgia patients,” says Akkaya. However, he points out that warm water therapy improves muscle strength and balance in fibro patients, which is consistent with his finding that reduced leg strength increased risk of falling. So improving lower body function (perhaps with a walking program) and the quality of sleep (using drug and nondrug approaches) should make you more steady on your feet.

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to bumblebee57

Sorry I had to read it a couple of times to get the gist of it. But I got there in the end. I am wondering now had I been a test subject they may have discounted me because of the Menieres disease. But in saying that my balance was very bad before that arrived ont he scene. Good reading, maybe you should post it as a blog., I am sure all of the members would find it interesting xxxxx

bumblebee57 profile image
bumblebee57 in reply to Ozzygirl64

Ok then, I will. Ive never been able to ride a bike and thought I was just clumsy, awkward or stupid when i was young (a L O N G....time ago).I think Ive always had Fibro, so that would explain that, and a few other things.I had a positive dyslexia test 5 yrs ago, which also explained stuff from my childhood, but that could overlap the fibro too. Im more of a thinking and doing dyslexic than a reading/writing/spelling one, which makes me think im more dyspraxic than dyslexic. Im guna try to get tested for that too.

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to bumblebee57

Best to get everything tested and then you know where you are working. I had a bile as a kid, I could never ride it, my parents classed me as too thick to learn and sold it! Who needs a bike anyway lol. WIll watch out for the post xxxxx

bumblebee57 profile image
bumblebee57 in reply to Ozzygirl64

Just put it up after my comp had a bit of a hissy fit. its ok now. A lot of what happened when i was a kid, including same as you, my mother thought i was thick and just not good enough for anything, has contributed to the depression and lack of self esteem i suffer and struggle with now. Shes got a lot to answer for. But shes outa my life now, has been for 15 years. YEHHHHHH !! Im a lot better off for it but the damage is done. Getting back to the fog, I could never consentrate or learn as quick or as much as my brother. I was probably completely fogged then... and ever since,lol

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to bumblebee57

Ah well some parents are just not fit to be parents. that is the long and the short of it. My dog has chosen to honour me with his presence, now I know why. He is farting past himself and he absolutely honks, making me feel quite ill. I will have to move for a minute or two as he laying right by my feet and I am getting the full updraft from his backside. What the hell have they been feeding this dog while I was out lol xxxxx(back in ten once I have fumigated the kitchen and sent him back in to them )

Amanda profile image
Amanda in reply to bumblebee57

i Had a "fibro wobble" last week and fell backward into the laundry basket.needless to say it broke!

Amanda profile image
Amanda in reply to Amanda

sorry my reply seems to have fibro fog also as it as meant for bumblebee 57s research post!

aura2 profile image

Stepper .. Does this really help .? Does it help with th pain and fatigue . I have reflex once a month also meditate, healing and osteopath . I am sure i would b much worse if not for all of this . I am willing to try any alternative treatment .

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to aura2

It is so nice to hear fo things that have helped some of us. As yet I have not found anything that helps,. but who knows, maybe one day xxxxx

in reply to aura2

I've had 2 years with Rosedale clinic in Reading (and oxford). He sorted out my diet and give monthly acupuncture and bio resonance. That has made a HUGE difference. I got my cocoon about 3 months ago and it really is helping. Icing on the cake.

I've still got to sort my sleep out, but no longer having IBS attacks. I don't need pain relief.....paracetamol occasionally.

If you are like me I'd recommend it. I do know we're all different though.

If you can get to the Rosedale clinic I would highly recommend it. (i travel about 50 miles each way to benefit from it)

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to

would you pm me with how he sorted your diet please. I'm just about to ask an eating question.


aura2 profile image

Bet ozzy could help !!!!! Lol. Did you watch him the other night on tv ... I am still in lots of pain and the fatique is hell just spend two days in bed .. But convinced myself all the things i do help ... How you can find something that helps you to ..

Ps . I cant ride a bike never could balance dreadful

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to aura2

Nope me neither where a bike is concerned, I could not even stay upright on an exercise bke and that goes nowhere lol. Ozzy...yes he probably could help. I watched God Bless Ozzy and I watch it every time they put it on, I also have it on dvd as a good friend of mine recorded it for me. But I will buy the dvd itself when I remember to add it to my collection. Wherever I go, Ozzy goes, as in his music that is. Love him. My fatigue is quite bad at the moment and I am also in abad flare, plus a bad COPD flare, so extra tired of late. But I have never allowed it to make me take to my bed. I think it is all the years of being told how useless I am(not by present hubby), by past partners and my parents. So Ijust carry on regardless. But Ireally can understand that some people doend up having to go to bed to recover and I would nevr diss anyone for that. I do hope you recover soon as I know how you feel. Another reason I cannot take to my bed is because I am caring for my daughter right now. Hubby takes over at night soI can get some rest even if I am not sleeping, but rest for me rarely begins beforew 10pm, if I am lucky xxxxx

littlefire profile image

It is interesting reading these posts.... I am sad to hear some of the experiences that some of you have had.... I just laugh at myself and say look I am sorry to the person I am speaking to as some days I can't remember simple things like names, although I could still tell you loads of personal details about the person...just not the name...frustrating...but funny :-)

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to littlefire

Oh tell me about forgetting names, my friends brother turned up New Years eve and I opened the door. I stodd like a dummy thinking 'I know the face, but where's the name to go with it'. He had to tell me who he was in the end. I did the same thing wiht my friends when she turned up. So embarrassing, makes them feel like they never made a lsting impression lol. I never apologise to anyone lol. I just say 'the brain is addled' and leave it at that. They either accpet me as I am or they go away lol xxxxx

littlefire profile image

Although...I did find I had fibro fog when I was studying for an exam, yet passed well, so I decided even though it is hard to sift through the fog, it is possible so I refuse to let it stop me from achieving goals, although much more difficult... must be my stubborn

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to littlefire

I was like that the other night when I had a blog fest lol. It cleared for while but tonight is worse than ever xxxxx

aura2 profile image

Thanks stepper I will look further into the treatment .. You are so right about us all being different . I had a course of acupuncture thought he was trying to kill me with pain . I cried to get of the coach. I only take para when needed although I i take two naproxen a day for chostochondritis . Most nights i have the sleep sorted I sleep 8hrs waking every 2.3 hrs I have a really strict routine if i break this my sleep is really bad hence dreadful sleep the last two weeks ....... Ok though because I have had such fun . Thanks for info x

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to aura2

I remember when I was first diagnosed aura. I was offered these needles. Ten in a pack and each needle had its own vial attached to it. They injected 5 down each side of the spine. Jeez it was like being speared literally. I yelled out with every single one. And he says 'I know they hurt like hell but if it works then it is worth it'. So I said 'hang on, what do you mean if it works?'. He went on to tell me they may not work as they are just being tested. So I said 'no amount of relief I MAY get fromt his will EVER make me come and get it repeated' and I left. If never worked and I have ten small scars, one each side of my spine. I remember hubby saying to me when he saw them 'what the hell happened to you'. And every so often, 22 years on, some of the scars flare up into smalllumps and break open, no idea why and GP cannot find out why, and they are so painful too when it happens. AND there is not trace of me ever having it done!!!!!!! xxxxx(And I hope your Chosto eases for you, I know of people with that and they tell me how bad it is)

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to Ozzygirl64

five each side of my spine that should be not one

aura2 profile image

Ou ch .. Ozzygirl that sounds really painful . I have had fibro 23yrs so between us I bet we have tried most things . I had m son by ceaserian over 40 back and still two of the stich holes gets a spot on them ... Our bodys are so strange ain hey ?

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to aura2

I was having tests for this that and the other for four ears before being diagnosed. Our bodies are weird but I wish I could fnd out wha the hell he was testing on me, could have been rats urine for all Iknow lol xxxxx

aura2 profile image

Lol. Same here, test after test for 3yrs. but who or what caused it I still have no idea x

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to aura2

Some say it may be the follow up to a virus, plausible xxxxx

klm7777 profile image

I had to laugh - I read the title of your blog as - How do you get on with the fibro fog cleaners?

:) xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to klm7777

Ohhhhh lol, if only we did have fibro fog cleaners, it would make life so much easier hun xxxxx

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