Not the song you were expecting I am afraid and yet another job for my long suffering OH, i have been quiet on here due to flare up.... They always last 3 days really weird but at least I know I can get through it......
Anyway the day I decided to take to my bed I needed my big fluffy pillow with adjustable neck roll supporter OH at work it was in the cupboard above the front door, not a problem it's behind a very easy to open door, but I can't reach it... So drag my piano stool 12 inches that's all then gritting my teeth and using my piano I haul myself onto the stool, open the cupboard door. AT this point there was a horrible tearing of rotten wood and the cupboard door fell away from its hinges, onto my head and I went flying without wings across the hall land ing on my back with a cupboard door on my head, only a small door and just winded me, but I had to wait until the afternoon for my fluffy pillow and my OH has had to strip out the whole cupboard and is fitting sliding doors. At least nothing was broken and I saved my beloved piano from the flying cupboard door, I was not going to harm my piano I waited 20 years to find a mini eavestaff art deco piano that will tune perfectly, if only I was well enough to play it..
And thanks to everyone who wished me back soon, ha sooner than you thought my unbearable flares usuually last 3 days sometimes I have to carry on sometimes I do give in and head for bed, today it's usual pain so I am back.....