Does anyone have or had carpal tunel ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does anyone have or had carpal tunel surgery?

9 Replies

i had carpal tunle surgery on my both hands but the pain,numbness,tingling and all other symptom backed again i really don't want to go through another surgery i don't know what to anyone has any experiences of second surgery? because my gp said i have to do that.thanks

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9 Replies

Hello there Akram

I personally haven't had Carpal Tunnel surgery, but I have found some information on it which hopefully you will find helpful.

Please click on the link below -

It does say in the NHS information that sometimes an underlying health condition can be the cause of your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, so I would imagine this may be the case for you. I am sure that has been explored for you. It also says once this health condition has been treated it should improve your CTS - eg. Rheumatoid Arthritis can cause this.

I've noticed it says that even after surgery CTS can recur, I am sure your surgeon will have discussed this with you before your last surgery. The best thing to do would be to discuss the chances of recurrence again with your impending next surgery with your surgeon. The next operation might involve a different type of surgery, this can sometimes be the case and there might be less chance if recurrence - whether keyhole or open surgery maybe?! Hope that makes sense.

"For a chronic condition brought on by repetitive stress activities and often by metabolic swelling like CTS, it has a high probability of recurring." This was a comment I found on another medical site. Also it was mentioned that with a second surgery there is more risk of scar tissue build up which can restrict movement.

At the end of the day Akram, it is quite a loaded issue for you I am afraid as to whether you progress through second surgery. It's really a question of weighing up the risks with your surgeon as to whether you choose this option, no-one can really advise you one way or the other. It would depend really on how much the CTS inhibits you and are you prepared to risk recurrence or stiffness after repeat surgery.

I hope this will be of some help to you. I wish you all the best whichever you choose.

Please let us know how you get on. Take care. (((hug))) xxx

jacksie profile image

Hi Akram,i had op this year January,i heard that it comes back and needs a second op.My hand isn't perfect i get a massive amount of pain from both of them,to the point i have tears in my eyes if i catch them on something.I do get some pain related to c/tunnel,but nothing like before as yet.I think it's difficult to say between the Fibro and that,i must say though on a level of pain i think no differ between both,the c/tunnel kept me awake at night.I do think it best you have second unless you can curb the pain with a brace ,forgot proper name.Jacksiex.

Cat53 profile image

Carpel tunnel can be as a result of an old neck injury (whiplash) or even pregnancy. If poss try some Bowen Therapy and see if it helps. It may take a while but worth a shot if you don't want more surgery.

fibro profile image

this is just in simple layman's terms as I'm awaiting the op myself, but my understanding is that they snip away at the band that surrounds the carpel tunnel, therefore allowing the ligaments etc that help move your fingers become free, basically because the 'band, has become too tight...for any manner of reasons,

so I'm thinking if they haven't fully snipped it first time around, could it join itself back together? sorry about the simplistic view, but as I'm waiting for a date to have mine done I have been reading up, and even watching you tube clips. it hasn't put me off. I am desperate to get t done so I can have some feeling back in my hand as it's the hand I use stick in. xx

suejayjay profile image

Hi, I had carpal tunnel surgery in Dec. 2010. The op was a doddle, but took 3 months for the internal pain to go!!! BUT it came back with a vengenge, in both hands this time, and in July this year I saw consultant who decided that rather than 2nd op would inject with cortizone into the space! Not a jot of difference. But he has since decided that actually the problem possibly NOT carpal tunnel but from the Spondulosis in my neck. He wants to do an MRI scan to see exactly what nerves are being compromised. I am off this afternooon to see when this will be done.The research I have done, suggests that only about 75% of carpal tunnel ops are successful. No one actually gives a reason for this because as fibro's lovely explanation says, they actually cut away the restrictive band. But does it grow again? and so quickly?? Who knows. Anyone having it done for the first time tho' do take heart. You could very well be one of the lucky 75%. The op I had done was under a local and I was fully awake while it was going on. As I said, a doddle! Oh yes, I too wore wrist supports on both, but had no effect on the pain or the numbness. Hope they do find that there is a definate connection with my neck and the pain etc in my hands and arms. Will report back when I have any news on that score. Best wishes to all. Sue. X

Hello there thank you all for replying to my blog

hobbbllliiingaround profile image
hobbbllliiingaround in reply to

Hi akram,

Some of the other people do not seem to have had the same success as I have, I had both wrists operated seperately for carpel tunnel 2yrs apart and although they are at times a little stiff and have at times had a little tingling my pain has never returned. It was immediate relief as soon as I came round from the op. and have never really suffered since. There is a little bit of strangeness to the feeling if my hands are stroked, it feels like they are being stroked in a different place. Not painful though. It has now been around ten years since the op and I am able to type write and do my sketching (hobby) sew everything. Only when I really overdo things to I get the odd twinge/tingles. Good luck...x

Ozzygirl64 profile image

I have not had the surgery but I did have injections into the wrists about 18 years ago, it helped to a point, it just twinges no and again but with everything else going on it just tends to fade into the backgorund xxxxx

fibro profile image

I was convincing myself it was my neck and nt. CTS but the nerve conductivity results came back saying it was severe, so i have to go down that line to begin with but still feel that it could be my neck. but I'm not put off by the op, I have had worse ops than that, and I'm willing to give it a go. my GP was very reassuring as he has hand both wrists done.. unfortunately even with all the the other pains I'm in, these just wont fade for me. it's been constant since August and I am so desperate to have it done. if I still feel anything anything after it's healed then I will ask about getting my neck checked. I had acupuncture in my neck about 10 years ago, I couldn't move it beforehand, but the needles over a course of a few months really helped, but it's still not perfect.

we can only try and remain positive xx (((hugs)))

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