Waiting yes waiting we do so much w... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Waiting yes waiting we do so much waiting so we need patience and I am gadually learning.................

Ginsing profile image
13 Replies

to be patient. I think having Fibro has encouraged patience after all nothing happens today does it. We always have to wait for the specialist to see us, wait for an appointment, wait for the physyo, wait for the encologist, wait for the weather to be better then we , wait wait wait we get our selves excitided hopeful always oportunists thinking this visit this x-ray this day will be the one. Now where am I well waiting for my next appointment of course yes it is due but they failed I was supposed to be referred to the orthopedic guy and although my gp rang I still have no letter no appointmen. Maybe the ulcer on my leg stopped this however I think I was just lost in the system. I was taken off a medicine as it affected my blood counts and I have never heard any thing since It is really reashoreing isnt it. We have no where to hide we are just here fibromites waiting for Godo.

I dont know where this has come from but I shaw must have needed to let it out.

I am always so exhausted beyond the wind blowing them into ired, I see things that need doing and I at last admitt I really canot do them so they get left, this worries me. For example piles of leaves getting higher out side the wind blowing them to the side like snow drifts, maybe I can hide in them just disappear below the surface and rest.

OH sleeps and sleeps through the day and through the night snoring like, my goodness cannot remember the man who fell asleep and awoke a hundres years later, well tat is him I am jealous at least he sleeps silly old thing.

My dogs have internal clocks but today they are an hour out and want feeding now it is too early and they are twinning . my legs insistent they know and I d o not I will of course give in soon .

After all they areonly dogs!


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13 Replies

Oh gins, I do know just what you mean about the waiting. Although I know there is no real cure for this thing, there is still a small part of me that believes that the next appointment might bring more relief or help or even a small degree of normality. As for the leaves, they hide the weeds and other garden jobs that need doing so I am happy for them to stay in their pretty drifts of oranges and reds at least for a little while.

My OH is a bit of a snorer too but I can't moan too much as he has a lot to put up with since his wife became ill and he bares the burden cheerfully - most of the time, anyway!

Meanwhile, patience as they rightly say is definitely a virtue! Jane x

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Gins. For once , don't sit down too suddenly , I am in total agreement with you, have been told so many times by various experts see you in three months only to find they have retired, moved or moved me on to someone else... I go to bed my OH blunders in makes sure the warm snug covers are now on him then in 5 mins is asleep snoring... I admit to losing my cool at 4am on Monday and grabbed his nose hard .. It stopped him snoring :) but then I couldn't get back to sleep. Congratz on having dogs twining round your legs and not falling on them...

Oh and you should call you OH rip van winkle..... That actually has a nice ring .. Gins van winkle.. Or should it be wrinkle.... Ok ok I couldn't go a whole blog reply without having a dig...

VG x

So poor Gins has a new nickname - Gins van Wrinkle! Poor soul, all she was doing was talking about waiting, leaves, snoring hubbies and dogs! :O

We have leaves huddled in clumps in our back garden on our decking, I like the way it looks. As Jane says the colours are lovely! The only time I worry about them is after it's been raining and they get soggy and slippy! I have already come cropper on our decking this Autumn - we moved house late Summer and the previous owners obviously didn't treat their decking, so the dampness and algae that's grown on it has made it like an ice rink. I forget about this fact when I walk to the washing line to bring the washing in and whooooooooooooosh next thing I know I'm skating for free! Fortunately I haven't yet done myself a mischief, but I've had a few near misses that would rival VG's antics lately! ;) :P

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Libby I park my scooter in the garage.. Right next to the pond... I think my oh is awaiting my tumble into it.. So far the only thing that has fallen in is next doors dog.....he was fine the frogs and newts were a little disturbed...


Lol, oh my goodness, be careful VG! Right next to a pond spells disaster, be careful when the weather is cold and it turns slippy outside . . . . . oh dear, I have this vision! Wear ice grippers on your shoes just to be on the safe side VG with your track record . . . . ;) xxx

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Ice grippers and a snorkel, would look such a sight setting off to the garage especially withfibro fog I would probably forget to take the snorkel off once safely on my scooter, and if it rained would I drown with a snorkel on.... I now have a vision of gins perched on my garage roof with a watering can testing that theory

VG x

Ginsing profile image

I feel like an evil gnome gins van wrinkle

The only person to walk into my pond was the next door neighbour who popped around one christmas for a drink hehe he took a short cut through the snow and found himself up to his nethers in my pond. Oh how we laughed as he squelched into the kitchen for a snifter. Never to be forgotton So you all need to pay particular attention to decking leaves ponds and sliding don't do it guys or you will be up to your eyes! xgins van wrinkle

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Oh I shouldn't laugh but the thought of you as a garden gnome luring neighbours into your pond .... Rather like the sirens of old luring sailors to their doom, ... Am now imagining gins singing beautiful laments with a little red hat and a fishing rod... I suppose you can use your fishnet stockings to scoop them out

VG x

What a vision to behold! lol! :P

charlii profile image

hehe, i wish this site had a "like" button for comments like facebook! I love the banter between Gins and VG, it makes my day! x

Ozzygirl64 profile image

I think we spend all our lives just waiting for something. And as for a dogs body cloack, same here, the dark nights confuse him. He thinks we ashould all be in bed. Oh how I would love to go to bed as soon as it goes dark lol xxxxx

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to Ozzygirl64

Oh Ozzy the nights would be so long if we did that and there too long already! xgins

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to Ginsing

I would happily climb into bed at darkness f I thought I would sleep away the hours lol xxxxx

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