Fed up. To a whole new level today.
it started out quite good. Was in little pain so was pottering about doing some bits.
Now its all gone wrong.
My boyfriend suffers with depression, has done for years. He used to take anti depressants but stopped them a while back. Most of tge time he is ok but once a month (almost to the calender date) he has this sleeping thing where he sleeps for 3 or 4 days straight. It comes with bad temper problems and a cold callous attitude.
I have been with him for 20 years so know him better than he knows himself and I know he genuinely cant help it. What he can help however is when he is back to normal going to docs and seeking help for it.
insted he doesnt as he is fine by then...until next time!
like now for instance.
He has been getting more and more down with our situation. People chasing us for money, him working and wages not meeting half our bills then there is the council people being so unhelpful with regards to our situation and are taking us to court at the end of tge month for missed payments. Despite making them offer after offer.
its just got too much. Then ther is , of course me, a burden on a good day. My wage loss has had such an impact and my insomnia combinef with my pain makes him worry so much.
Today, just before walking out the door he announced he is fed up of everything, this existance, waiting for someone to take the house and the only thing to look forward to is death!!!! Great!!!!
melodramatic but he has a point.
I have no idea how to deal with this anymore. Am so lost.
Have been waiting for my PIP for nearly 5 months and have heard nothing. Why do the Gov think this is ok? What do they think we do in the meantime?
This is my life not something for them to play with at their leisure.
Why do I need to be out of work for 6 months before they decide I may... not definately, but may need help!!
so so sick of this. Cant see any light.
if I had any other illness or whatever then I would have been helped but with this I am stuck. There is no guarantee that they will help. In fact records show they will prob say no. That means going through the appeal process. Wait another 4 months. I the mean time someone will probably have taken the house.
Please ignore me. I am feeling very sorry for myself and I just need to speak (or type) to let some of it out.
if you have read this thank ypu for listening.
Em xx