Hi...I know Iv already asked this Question lol... about getting "hot then cold "and had a couple of reply's, which I thank you for ..but do any of you male's get them to??...still thinking IS IT THE MENOPAUSE!!....Thanks..xx
Hot n Cold!: Hi...I know Iv already... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hot n Cold!

Have you checked to see if it could be a side effect of any meds you are on?
Piggy hugs xxxxx
Not on any meds for fibro.as yet have Arthritis aswell ..(thats if it is fibo!)..been on Naproxen but didnt really help so back on ibuprofen and paracetamol..but still a lot of discomfort..:been having this hot and cold for a long time off and on..-(..xx
Myrtil It probably is the fibro hun, you can get your hormones tested at the Drs which will tell you if it is the menopause. The hot sweats you get with the menopause are totally differant I have had both. They well up inside you from the pit of your stomach and seem to rise upwards. I went throught the menopause for years and have not had a period for 5 years now and I am only 50. The fibro ones are entirely different I can be cold one minute and hot the next in fact I get worn out puting on and taking off my cardi thingy that I wear in doors. I have just been out and had to take my coat off, because I was unbearably hot and had to strip off. Head and hair absolutely soaking. Don't get me started on being in bed, I can go to bed freezing and all of a sudden the covers are off cos I can't stand the heat, and then I'm cold again. I know that some of the men on this group and another that I belong to also have these hot moments
Thanks for replying. when i mentioned it to the doc and said.."surley it cant be the menopause still"..he just kind of grinned seems to think it is...but my blood test say im past menopause!..started going thru it in my early 40's ,sometimes it feels like a rushing going thru my whole body...:-(..i just want to get myself sorted!..xx
I'm 19 so Im definitely not menopausal I have fibro and I'm hot and cold all the time I also have night sweats which is just grossest not just you xxx
I have been over my menopause for about three years and am symptom free now. The hot and cold feelings I have are different to the menopausal hot power surges I had and I didn't feel cold with it.
Since having Fibro I have had regular boiling hot episodes and then freezing cold the next minute episodes, these seem to be very common amongst Fibromites. These hot and cold moments are completely different to anything I felt with the menopause. I had my menopause early and was lucky it didn't last too long and was relatively problem free.
I am not sure there is an answer to this irritating body thermostat issue, I tend to layer up one minute and then layer off the next, it drives me nuts and makes my hubby laugh at how often I dress and then undress!
Thanks Liberty yes thats it.."power surges"..Damn them!!...xx
If its any help I thought & my Doc thought it was menopause even though I've been complaining about it for years. I was tried on various different types of HRT then one day at an appointment with a Consultant at the HRT Clinic I had one of my sweats & right away she said that it was'nt hormonal or a hot flush & took me off HRT coz of my high blood pressure. I do honestly believe its fibro related.