Is it normal to have hot and cold flashes every seven minutes or so throughout the day and night
Hot and cold flashes: Is it normal to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hot and cold flashes

Yes I suffer with this one minute I'm sweating taking all my clothes off the next minute I'm freezing cold and all the clothes go on again! Put it this way I think I'd make a good stripper now with all the clothes going on and off lol hope you feel better soon x
I suffer with night sweats, I wake up soaked some morning. Not sure if this is because of FM.
My doctor sent me for tests to rule out anything sinister and they all came back normal apart from my bloods
Hope your ok
Sam xxx
Without meaning to sound rude,are you sure it isn't to do with what is known as the "peri- menopause ,which you can have a few years before becoming the actual menopause?this all started with me at age 38 and now for the past two years been on everol sequi I get it in patch form that stick on the skin (as I have stomach probs and can't have it in tablet form) it has been a god send,
I don't know you age but maybe that is what happening with you ,so maybe chat to a g.p and if it is that then there are ways of controlling it ,I was terrible with these hot flushes and night sweats, but not any more
I initially put the sudden temperature changes down to menopausal symptoms, but I believe that people with fibromyalgia struggle with "temperature control" .
The thing I find most embarrassing is sudden episodes of excessive sweating and bright red cheeks.... My husband stays "why is your face so red?" .... I just say "I am having a hot flush"
I get fed up of continuously either stripping off or adding more clothes, l think it is all "part and parcel" of fibromyalgia. Xxx
I was going through the menopause thing and naturally thought that was it. But then when it got to every 7 mins and day and night. I started to question it. I'm now menopause finished and have found that my sweats are my body's way of telling me I've done too much. If I pace myself they're fewer. And if I get one I rest. Hope it helps.
It's quite common with fibro to have problems with temps one way or the other .Also some meds make you hot ,as someone said you can have peri menopause or menopause which both can affect the temps . X
Hi butterflywings55
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? This appears to be a common complaint with Fibro. However, if the symptoms persist or get worse, I really would discuss the issue with your GP just to rule anything else out.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi,yes as far as I know it is normal & very very happens to me I am constantly dripping in sweat & showering & washing so annoying. But not much else we can do X
I find nights are more comfortable with a small 6 ins fan on the bedside cabinet, directed at my head. As long as my head is cool, I feel more able to cope with the dreaded sweats, and it does lessen them too. Xx
Hi if i over do it i get awful sweats then freezing cold,when i eat i get sweats,or sugary sweet things.i think fibro people have a problem with temperature control,and apparently our pain signals to the brain dont connect as they should.hope that helps.
Hi all,
I am postmenopausal so I am sure this is to do with both my Fibro & thyroid. Any increase in physical activity can definitely make the sweating worse and i have to put the fan on full pelt even though it may be freezing outside.
One thing that drives me crazy is the unpredictability, i can be calmly chatting to a friend & i will start to feel my face burn, followed by the rest of my body which can become soaked in minutes. I have particularly noticed that the sweat from the back of my head & temples is the worst, it can go on & off for hours and i have to put a towel around my shoulders as my head, hair & neck get drenched. Not even cold showers help; then i can go from hot to feeling frozen to the bone so on goes the heated blanket. the sweats with alternating shivers feel almost flu like.
Hi electricjaws, can you explain what everol sequi does & can you buy it in Holland & Barrett.
Sending hugs to all of you suffering out there
Cezzie x
Yes with me suffering from( FM I do think its' normal, its' nothing to do with menopause as to what one eleticjaws is suggesting .Please do try to get your self comfortable as much as you can. There no winners unfortunately.