Sorry I haven't posted much in the last few weeks. I guess I've been in a state of limbo. I've been very depressed and worried about my job as well. I had a visit from some of my work friends which cheered me up and my line manager came round to see me which I was dreading cos she can be a right b***h but she wasn't, she was really nice about everything and didn't pressure me to go back to work. I am thinking of reducing my hours down to 30 and obviously this will have financial implications but hopefully I can get some reiki clients on my day off. I am planning to do a healing/spiritual workshop when I am feeling better - probably in the New Year
Apologies for my absence: Sorry I haven... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Apologies for my absence

hi stormwytch so sorry to here about your depression but hopefully after your visit by your line manager things may get easier for you, Lovely that your workmates came to see you as well, did they bring cakes ? take care of yourself xx
Hi there,sorry to hear you have been feeling so low,awful isn't it, wonderful that your work colleagues have been to see you and lifted your spirits,sounds like a good idea to reduce your hours very important to look after yourself good luck with future plans for your workshop,sounds fab! Hugs xxx
Hello there Storm, so sorry to hear you've been having a tough time of it lately. Please don't apologise for not popping into the forum, we all have good and bad times, we all understand. It's great to see you back though. Here's a hug for you (((hug))).
Have you had a word with your GP to see if you need a review of your meds, a little tweak might make all the difference.
It sounds like you have wonderful caring colleagues, that will certainly help you knowing there is less pressure on you. Sounds like a good idea to cut your hours, this again will take some of the pressure off, hopefully financially it will be possible for you to do this.
Take care and please let us know how you get along.
Morning Storm glad to see you are about again - good to see you-.
It is difficult when we are faced with a dilema do we cut our hours and loose money or try and work on when suffering badly and I think your approach is brilliant try cutting a few hours and making life a little easier on you. I know money will be tighter but hopefully you will feel better and ejoy life more! Lots of luck and take care xgins
Hi thanks for your replies guys. I'm still dreading the back to work interview etc cos I know I'll be on stage 2 sickness when I return. Losing the days pay will be a struggle and I need to make sure I have enough leave to take the Xmas week off but it's better to have the quality of life and be able to see my pony more often