anyone else have diverticulitis diese... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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anyone else have diverticulitis diesease?

fairytails profile image
13 Replies

i had the most pain ever today in my bowel i was so bad i was sweating and crying and called the doc she said oh its proberbly food poisoning! im so sick today and my lower stomach has ballooned up :( im pretty sick of it all really wanted to go out today too !

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fairytails profile image
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13 Replies
Extremelygrumpy profile image

Not diverticulitis ... But do have irritable bowel syndrome ... Lower stomach cramps and bloating.. Chronic diahorrea unable to leave the house. It's different to food poisoning... Lower in the bowel and I don't get sick which you usually do with food poisoning... Hope that is of some help


i suffer with severe i.b.s and have most of your probs. and was awake most of the night with exactly the same as you and i was also hyperventilating too.

it was soo not nice and i had to drink a cup of hot marmite and then ive spent the day all over again.x

ellie172825 profile image

I have been recently been diagnosed with diverticular disease, had a couple of accidents, it is frightening leaving the house, as you just never know when it is going to happen. :(

I suffer with diverticular disease, I was diagnosed earlier this year after being taken to hospital. If you have diverticulitis, you might expect to have a fever in addition to the pain. If your pains continue and cause you more concern over the weekend it might be worth going to your local A&E dept as you might need to have a scan to check that all is well. At the very least call the NHS help line to see what they advise.

Good luck and I hope that you feel better very soon! Jane x

heatherrosina profile image

I was diagnosed a few months back, awful pain, trying to work out what to eat/not eat is the key I have found. There is a very helpful group on facebook with links to useful sites that give you all the foods. I followed what they said and have been relatively pain free for couple of months now. If I eat anything with nuts in then know I'm in trouble. Good luck hope you can find a way of managing it cos its a rotten condition. Along with the fibro of course, wish that could be controlled as easily :)

babebatista profile image

I have I Irritable Bowel Disease and in the last year it has worsened a lot. I ended up in hospital due to a Bowel infection. I was so ill, it was horrible. Since then I've found out that I can no longer tolerate spicy foods or cream. It inflames my bowel so I have to be careful. I also have an allergy to nuts and tomatoes! Living with this on top of FM is a lot, but thankfully I have a lot of help and support. I hope you manage to sort things out hun. I found out that I was allergic to certain foods just by seeing what inflamed me and what didn't. I hope you manage to find our answers useful. Gentle hugs hun xxxxx

Abbeystead profile image

Yes, I have diverticulitis. Can't remember the number of times I have been admitted to hospital. Just put you on a drip and nil by mouth for 24 hours. So I dont bother ringing the ambulance any more. Just watch what you eat. No chocolate, no green veg, no cream,no cheese, and worse still NO Booze. I now take myself off to bed and just drink water for 24 hours or so. Also find dihydrocodeine help, although do make you constipated. If you must eat anything, and with taking these tablets you do as you cannot take them on an empty stomach, so always have a packet of cream crackers in bedside drawer. Just introduce other foods sparingly. All the tablets in the world don't help.I know I've tried them. Have had this more years than I can remember now. You also have to watch everything you eat. Also, no nuts or tomatoes. Try and stick to chicken instead of meat as well. It will take time but you will realise, without thinking about what you can eat and what you can't. Must admit it's very tempting sometimes, when you look in the fridge and see what the rest of the family is having and you standing there thinking "now what can I have", and end up with a boiled egg or something bland like that. Would love to have beans on toast one day but unfortunately, all that is in the past now. Do find the Dihydrocodeine does help though.

Hope this will help.

ithurts profile image

i suffer with fybro diverticulitus and ibs underactive thyroid the list goes on i take mebeverine tabs from gp they help with the inflamation and cramps in the bowel . do a food diary to try and eliminate foods that agravate condition i found cheese toms nuts onions spices dont always agree but then other days i can eat what i want and have no syptoms . stress doesnt help either so if you can try and find something that you enjoy and relaxes you . hope you feel better soon x

Hi Fairy tails,

I've had what my doctor calls diverticular disease (think its all the same thing), for the past 9 years, I had a colonoscopy with sedation about a month ago, because I have been constantly anemic and had constant low iron, and i was having so much bleeding and pain from it (it felt like that anyway), my doc thought I must have growths in my bowel, but my cololosopy showed I had still just diverticular disease, in the 8 years I worked I could never eat anything during the day at work, and before, apart from an apple sometimes a few crackers and if having soup, just the watery sort, (the cheapest dont have as much monosodium glutanate, which I was so glad because that mg made me burp and feel sick not a nice thing to do in a classroom (I worked as a sp.needs classroom assistant ) and general dogsbody,

I also cannot eat nuts of any sort or hard sweetcorn, actually sweetcorn always has a reaction in me too, but if its well cooked not as severe a one, as nuts. The rest I can survive with but cant eat too much of anything with it, plus they discovered another hernia on my esophagus, so I've to watch for that as well, that can make me feel sick also if I eat even a little too much, (by another I mean I'd one removed before on my colon)

I was also hospitalised the april before last with it, they also made me stay in bed for a week with a drip, and then told me I was getting a colonoscopy at the end of the week but as Id had one years ago without sedation, I would'nt let them give me one without sedation, but they had no time to set it up so I discharged myself, hope yours is not too bad, mine was really killing me last weekend, and I bleed sometimes even when I'm not bad, not that dwp cares or the flippin doctor they sent up to me, good luck and have a nice weekend xxxxx

Oh I'm getting an ultrasound scan in a few weeks on my thyroid, the barium swallow I had a few months showed it up swollen (perhaps underactive thyroid), they thought it was a goiter, and compression on my esophagus, causing it to narrow, so I will be glad to be over that, my doctor will not give me anything for it, as he said the 1000 gm I have to take for my ra of naproxen and I guess the maxitram I have to take for my fibro, would interfere with it, dont know if hes right xx

BunnRabb profile image

I have been diagnosed with IBS in the past, but my symptom at the time was diarrhea, but haven't had any problems with it in the past few years.....But, most recently I began having pains,(no diarrhea) from mild to severe in my lower stomach, first on the left side and then it moved to the pelvic area. The nurse practitioner I was seeing began treating me for a UTI. The pain subsided for a period of time(I found out later that the same antibiotic is used for UTI as for diverticulitis) but kept coming back. I would return to the NP and she would put me on another round of antibiotics, insisting that it was the UTI. I told her that I've had chronic UTI's in the past but have never experienced this type of pain. I had my 2nd child (35 years ago) natural, at home and wasn't in this much pain at the time. This was much worse than labor pains and it wouldn't let up. After nearly 2 months of dealing with this and several rounds of antibiotics, I went to see an GYN doc and he said it sounded like diverticulitis and referred me to a GI doc. I called to schedule a colonoscopy, but before I could get in for the colonoscopy, I had another bout with the severe pain and asked to see the GI doc that day. I went in for the appointment and she saw the pain I was in and after some questions and a small exam she sent me for a CAT scan. The radiologist said I should be in the hospital that I had a severe case of diverticulitis. I was admitted (I have heard they seldom admit you for diverticulitis, so mine was apparently severe enough that I needed to be hospitalized.) I was given IV antibiotics for 3 days and finally released to go home with oral antibiotics. I am doing well, at last. I am 66 years old and I know I should have had a colonoscopy before now, but I have one scheduled for this July. They have to be sure the diverticulitis is completely cleared up for fear of perforating the colon where the infection was, during a colonoscopy.

AussieBella profile image

I was diagnosed with diverticulitis on the 1st of September 2014...considering the hell I had been through leading up to it I actually thought the diagnosis would be a positive step in moving forward...but sadly that has not been the here I am 9 months later 20kg lighter constantly tired and drained...finding it hard to function on a day to day basis at work...oh and only able to eat one small meal a day....did anyone else find that there was no real follow up support after colonoscopy and diagnosis...I am now undergoing full bloods tests to see what may be going on elsewhere as my doctor says I can't afford to lose anymore for the whole food thingy I still have no clue

My-chinaman profile image

Sounds like you have

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